LCV Dirty Half-Dozen

The is half-way through the process of
selecting the dozen worst environmental offenders in elected office.
 Each election year, they select  approximately 12
politicians to target for their campaign, in an effort to unseat, or
deny seats to, the politicians with the worst voting records on
environmental issues.

Last time (2006), the "dozen" (actually 15) href="">included:


George Allen (R-VA)

Rick Santorum (R-PA)

Jim Talent (R-MO)


Bob Beauprez (R-CO)

Katherine Harris (R-FL)

J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ)

Richard Pombo (R-CA

Charles Taylor (R-NC)

Conrad Burns (R-MT)

All of those listed above were defeated.  Rep. Heather Wilson
(R-NM), Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK), face="Arial"> Rep. Deborah Pryce
(D-OH). Rep. Charles Taylor (R-NC) were targeted, but won their

Tom Delay (R-TX) and Bob Ney (R-OH) were named as well.  They
were not defeated; what happened to them is better: they resigned in

For 2008, they have named, so far, six politicians:

Five are in office; one is a former Representative who is angling to
get back in.   href="">They are:

Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK)

Representative Joe Knollenberg (R - MI)

former U.S. Rep. Bob Schaffer (R-CO)

Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Representative Stevan Pearce (R-NM)

Mary Landrieu (D-LA)

This is a reminder that the stake are as high as ever in November.


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Joseph, thanks for the post. You're right, with the energy crisis on the mind of every voter, the stakes are as high as they get.

One thing to note, Heath Shuler did beat Charles Taylor in NC-11 in 2006. Shuler's 75% environmental score in 2007 is a 70-point improvement over Taylor's lifetime score of 5%.

To defeat this year's Dirty Dozen and elect more pro-environment legislators, we've launched a new website,, which works like ActBlue to bundle campaign contributions to environmental champions like Tom and Mark Udall, Jerry McNerney, and Jeanne Shaheen.

Please take a look, make a contribution, and help elect pro-environment leaders who will make the right choices for America's energy future.