Armadilloize Your Dog for $500

There is an artisan at href="" rel="tag">Pitbull
Armory who makes armor for
primarily for events.  But he also makes
armor for dogs.  And horses.  And he's "made history"
by making armor for a squirrel.

Here's the dog armor, on a dog named Spok:


And here is the squirrel in armor:


So if you are sick and tired of having your squirrel get harassed by
the neighborhood cat, you know what to do.

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Why would a dead squirrel need armor? -- Or, should I say, "armour"?

So if you are sick and tired of having your squirrel get harassed by the neighborhood cat, you know what to do.

After this became popular around here I heard the deer hunters were taking up a petition against it! LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)