Views of Tehran

Just so you will know what we'll be blowing to bits, if it comes to
that.  These are more-or-less random photos from Flickr, tagged

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And don't miss Hotspot
, and the href="">Peace Train
flash animation.

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We bring you, as always, the large-scale versions of this week's channel photos. (Have a photo you'd like to send in? Email it to, or assign the tag "sbhomepage" to one of your photos on Flickr. Note: be sure to assign your photo an "attribution only" or "share and share…
For your weekly viewing pleasure, here are the larger (more Xtreme!) versions of this week's channel photos. (Have a photo you'd like to send in? Email it to, or assign the tag "sbhomepage" to one of your photos on Flickr. Note: be sure to assign your photo an "attribution…

We seem to have gotten to the point that our idiots in Washington get used by everyone: the media, lobbyists, and other countries around the world.

One part of this whole Middle East mess we don't know about is the background discussions we are having with various players. We know official press releases and the behind-the-scenes discussions are two very different things.

While there is an element of sense in talking about the "Arab world", behind the public and even the private discussions there is much animosity from one group to another, the Shiites and Sunnis being an obvious one.
I'm sure the Saudis and the Syrians would have no problem coaxing us into a conflict with Iran that we pay for monetarily and politically.

One thing about power. If you have it, everyone wants to borrow it. One way power is borrowed, is for a second party to manipulate the powerful one into using that power against a third party.

Narcissistic personality types seem especially vulnerable to this kind of manipulation. And yes, Greg, it happens in Washington all the time.

One of the responsibilities of a person with power, is to be on guard against that kind of manipulation.

Of course, it's worth mentioning as well that one could assemble a series of pictures of America and Americans for the Iranians to counter the diatribe that we're all Satans engaged in evil wherever we go.