White Tigers

i-484e2d064c4df744b8428ddcbd49654b-white tigers - chicago tribune.jpg

This is from the Chicago
"Images in the News" feature.
 Unfortunately, I saved it to my flash drive earlier in the
week.  Now, it is no longer on their site, so I cannot provide
the caption or the photo credit.  So do me a favor and go to
their site, and click on some of the ads.  Just don't read
about the Lions and Bears game while you are there.

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i wanted to know if you took that picture close up. i like white tigers and i was looking for someone who knew something or someone who could take me a picture with a white tiger and how much would they charge.

By Alexandria (not verified) on 01 Apr 2007 #permalink

like o my gosh this pic is like soo kool!111

i kill tigers i wish that they would die!!!!!!!

this pic sucks, i've seen better!!!

Tigers Rock, brittany, u don't no wut ur talking about!!!

The tigers rule this house o matter what any one says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The WILL/ARE the toughest animal alive!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are also the most coolest!!!!!!!!

By Micheal Ruffin (not verified) on 12 Jul 2007 #permalink

Well, thank goodness these aren't the white tigers with the other recessive traits expressed, or these comments wouldn't be quite as positive.

I wrote a post about how inbred white tigers in captivity are (and how you usually don't see the deformed or sick ones) and it has attracted many of the same style of comments. It's actually a bit disconcerting to have comm enters acknowledge that these animals are unnatural and it's cruel to keep breeding them, but say they love white tigers so much that they don't really care.

I love this Picture, and all those that are showing their true colors here, are just fleas on a mangy dog...

Beautiful Work!

Beautiful!!! I simply love the big wild cats!!!

well we are intitled to our own opinions but i think its ver rude to come here and talk abt killing them if you have such a problem with this beatiful picture of nature then why are you here? remember they were here before you

that is a good pic i whant a tiger

By britttny mcknight (not verified) on 04 Oct 2007 #permalink

When you to get a other white tiger or when you are going put one down can i have it

It's the stupidity-on-parade that I find depressing.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 11 Dec 2007 #permalink

khfsakdjgfncuitbn c

It's sad to know that people still argue and fight about breeding tigers in protected habitats, when the issue is not about inbreeding, it's about trying to save a species. Perhaps, if the same energy were given to supporting advances in cloning for breeding, money for wildlife preserves and as many people who hate on tigers in captivity quit bothering those trying to save them and hated on the predators - we wouldn't have this problem. Thank you for this picture. It allows me to give it to my son's class, and hopefully help encourage the next generation to grow up with a love of tigers in their hearts and try and continue the fight to protect them.

Helooo every body. First- brittany yer a spazzo with a problem. second- this pic is cool, but white tigewrs should not be bred, and they r. the problem with that is that the tigers that r not white r killed or given to private owners hoo cant take care of a tiger(nobody can- its true so dont even:)

Omg Brittany you are so cruel i hope Karma attacts you!

Tigers are the best animal going.Who ever said that tigers should be dead should get their head tested.
Love the picture.
great work:)

i want to know how much dat tiger cost we want to buy one is it hard to raise one we only want a baby one

By brandie Ball (not verified) on 08 Apr 2008 #permalink

hey cool pic

i really want one! can i buy one? i mean is it legal to have one as a pet?

omg! this image is so cute and for u brittney that is just rude u should really grow up!

who took that pic? the tigers would probly kill me!

white tiger's are all very buitiful animals and hope that one day me and a white tiger will come face to face.....

There is no such thing as a natural white tiger. They are inbreeded to get the white fur. All white tigers are cross eyed, sickly and unable to live in the wild. They are often completly dependent, thats why so many trainers for shows want them. Any one owning or breeding them should be locked up forever!

By Anonymous (not verified) on 21 Aug 2009 #permalink

to the 28th comment your wrong and stupid tigers are always natural. anyway this is a cute pic i am like ubsessed with tigers so i know how they work and what they do and dont do so eat that.

By Jacob ashkinos (not verified) on 19 Nov 2009 #permalink