Friday Fun: All The Comments on Every Recipe Blog

Yes, I cook. Yes, I use recipe blogs. Yes, I might alter the recipes I see based on what I have on hand or what various personal and familial preferences come into play.

In fact, I love recipe blogs, I really really do. Simply Recipes is probably my favourite.

The reality, of course, is that a lot of what you see in the comment sections of those recipe posts is just plain crazy. Sometimes it seems like people want to take a chocolate cake recipe and twist it into meatloaf via making a pina colada. Now there's nothing wrong with chocolate cake, meatloaf (in fact, I'd love to find a good meatloaf recipe...) or pina coladas, but somehow it seems to me like all three of them are fundamentally different undertakings.

And along comes The Toast with All The Comments on Every Recipe Blog.


Here are a few:

“I followed this to the letter, except I substituted walnuts and tofu for the skirt steak, ditched the cheese entirely, and replaced the starch with a turnip salad. Turned out great. My seven-year-old boys have never seen a dessert and I’ve convinced them that walnut-and-turnip salad is “cake.” Thanks for the recipe!”

“I’m having a lot of trouble signing up for your newsletter. Can you please assist?”

“a warning that if you cook this at 275°F for three hours instead of at 400°F for twenty-five minutes its completely ruined. do you have any suggestions?”

“I didn’t have buttermilk, so I just poured baking soda into a container of raspberry yogurt. It tasted terrible.”

But read the whole thing for yourself. And the comments on the post are, not surprisingly, priceless.

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By larsjaeger (not verified) on 24 Nov 2014 #permalink