For various reasons, I've been collecting some resources around open access, open data and scientific and technological innovation in Canada. Since they might be more broadly useful that to just me, I thought I'd share them.
Of course, this list is incomplete. I've most likely left out whole swaths of stuff out there, both in terms of organizations and relevant posts and articles as well as institutional OA mandates and author funds I may have missed. Please feel free to suggest items in the comments.
One thing in particular I would like to add in a future iteration is a list of library/university-based OA journal publication programs. Feel free to add yours in the comments!
The HLWiki Open Access set of pages is here. There were very useful in compiling my lists below. The Open Access Directory is also a good general source.
The UNESCO Global Open Access Portal page on Canada is here.
Government of Canada (General)
- Comprehensive Brief on Open Access to Publications and Research Data for the Federal Granting Agencies
- Briefing Paper on Open Access to Research Data
- Access to Research Results: Guiding Principles
- G8 Science Ministers Statement (June 2013) ( version)
- G8 Open Data Charter
- PM announces new measures to make Government data more accessible to Canadians
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council
- NSERC Open Access Policy in Development: update by Heather Morrison (2008)
- Use of Grant Funds (ie. allows grant funds for publication fees)
- Discovery Frontiers Call for Proposals: Advancing Big Data Science in Genomics Research (mentions OA)
- Policy and Guidelines on the Assessment of Contributions to Research and Training
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
- CIHR Open Access Policy as at January 1, 2013
- CIHR Open Access Policy (Knowledge Translation & Commercialization)
- CIHR Open Access Policy - Frequently Asked Questions
- Update to the CIHR Open Access Policy
Tri-Agency Draft Open Access Policy & Consultations: NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR
- Resource page on draft policy & consultations which will also aggregate publicly available feedback
- Announcement of consultation process
- Draft policy and FAQ (FAQ points to this page, in a nicely circular way.)
Canadian Association for Research Libraries
- Implementing Open Access: Report of the CARL-CRKN Open Access Working Group: October 19, 2012
- Open Access page
- Support for OA at CARL libraries
- Open Access Resources for Researchers
- Implementing Open Access: CARL and CRKN Operationalize the Report of the CARL-CRKN Open Access Working Group
- SPARC Canadian Author Addendum
- List of Institutional Repositories
- Strategic Directions May 2013 to May 2016
Canadian Research Knowledge Network
- Open Access
- Joint CARL-CRKN Statement on Open Access
- Implementing Open Access: Report of the CARL-CRKN Open Access Working Group
- Implementing Open Access: CARL and CRKN Operationalize the Report of the CARL-CRKN Open Access Working Group
- Implementing Open Access: Report of the CARL-CRKN Open Access Working Group: October 19, 2012
Canadian Library Association
- Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques Position Statement on Open Access for Canadian Libraries
- Open Access Interest Group
- CLA Position Statement on Open Access for Canadian Libraries
- A Leading-Edge Position Statement on Open Access + Ongoing Interest in OA at CLA by Andrew Waller & Heather Morrison
Federation for the Humanities & Social Sciences
- The Federation and Open Access
- Toward Operationalising and Sustaining Open Access in a Canadian Context (Notes from a session at CFHSS Congress 2012)
Canadian Association of Learned Journals
- Scholarly Journal Publishing in Canada: Annual Industry Report: 2010–2011
- Strategic Objectives and Action Plan
- Open Access Symposium Program
- Response to SSHRC’s consultation on Open Access
Institutional Open Access Policies & Mandates (likely incomplete)
- University of Calgary, division of Library and Cultural Resources
- York University, librarians and archivists
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto
- Concordia University
- University of Ottawa
- University of Victoria, OA Statement of Commitment for Librarians, Archivists and PEA
- Mount Saint Vincent University
- Athabasca University Open Access Research Policy
- University of Saskatchewan Librarians and Archivists
- Heart & Stroke Foundation Open Access to Research Outputs Policy: Guidelines
- Genome Canada Policy on Access to Research Publications
- Canadian Cancer Society Open Access Policy
- NRC Publications Archive Statement of Responsibilities
- Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance Open Access Policy
- Canadian Health Services Research Foundation Policy on Open Access to Research Outputs
- Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Access to Research Outputs and here
- Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé Policy regarding open access to published research outputs
- Why we should publish our data under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) by Canadensys
- Graduate Students Support Open Access to Academic Research
- Council of Canadian Academic Law Library Directors Calgary Statement on Free Access to Legal Information
- Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research: Conditions of Award 2012
- ROARMAP list of Canadian OA mandates
- CMAJ Open (OA journal from the Canadian Medical Association)
Institutional Open Access Author Funds/Institutional Memberships (likely incomplete)
- Support for OA at CARL libraries
- Simon Fraser University
- Concordia University
- University of Ottawa
- University of Calgary
- University of Manitoba
- University of British Columbia
- University of Waterloo
- York University
- University of Toronto
- University of Saskatchewan Publications Fund
- Brock University
- Ryerson University
- Carleton University
Institutional & Disciplinary Repositories (likely incomplete)
- PubMedCentral Canada
- NRC Publications Archive
- Overview of PubMedCentral Canada
- CARL List of Institutional Repositories
- ROARMAP list of Canadian Institutional Repositories
- History & Theory of Psychology Eprint Archive
- e-artexte
- IDRC Digital Library
Open Data
- Government of Canada Data site
- Government of Canada Open Data site
- Open Data in Canada Wikipedia page
- Research Data Canada (on data management)
- GeoGratis: Search, Discover and Download Free Maps, Data and Publications.
- Environmental Data (archived...)
- Canada-Alberta Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Information Portal
- Canadian Polar Data Network (for archiving data from the International Polar Year projects)
- G8 Open Data Charter
- PM announces new measures to make Government data more accessible to Canadians
Innovation/R&D Funding in Canada
- Science, Technology and Innovation Council: Aspiring to Global Leadership (2012)
- Science, Technology and Innovation Council State of the Nation 2012
- Council of Canadian Academies: The State of Industrial R&D in Canada 2013
- Council of Canadian Academies: Paradox Lost: Explaining Canada’s Research Strength and Innovation Weakness
- Council of Canadian Academies: The State of Canada’s Science Culture (report in progress)
- The Conference Board of Canada Innovation report page (2013)
- The Conference Board of Canada Financing Innovation by Established Businesses in Canada report (2013)
- The Conference Board of Canada: Who Dimmed the Lights? Canada’s Declining Global Competitiveness Ranking (2012)
- Innovation in Canada: why we need more and what we must do to get it
by Tom Brzustowski
- Measuring Academic Research in Canada: Field-Normalized Academic Rankings 2012
- Canadian Academies of Health Sciences: Making an Impact: A Preferred Framework and Indicators to Measure Returns on Investment in Health Research
- The Canadian Chamber of Commerce: Upskilling the Workforce: Employer-sponsored Training and Resolving the Skills Gap
Science-Related Documents - Other Political Parties (NDP, Liberals, Greens)
- NDP: Toward a National Science Policy 2012
- Liberal Party Blog: Open Letter to Canadian Scientists Regarding the Freedom of Government Scientists to Talk About Their Research
- Liberal Biennial Convention 2012: Priority Policy Resolutions
- Liberal Biennial Convention 2012: Resolutions: 12. Science and Policy
- Green Part 2011 Policy Document: smart economy. strong communities. true democracy.
Science-Related Documents - 2011 Federal Election
- Science policy and Canada’s political parties (FrogHeart blog)
- Science policy an issue in the Canada 2011 election? (FrogHeart blog)
- Research policy in party election platforms (Researcher Forum blog)
Selected various statements, blog posts, journal articles, etc.
- Overview of Open Access Policy Landscape and Implementation Issues by Leslie Chan (Must-listen!)
- G8 science ministers endorse open access
- CIHR revises (i.e., weakens) Open Access policy
- Canadian Universities Too Closed Minded on Open Access by Michael Geist
- Open Access Funds: A Canadian Library Survey by Leila Fernandez and Rajiv Nariani (More articles on OA in Canada and internationally by Leila Fernandez here)
- New CIHR Open Access Policy Takes Effect by Michael Geist
- Open access becoming a reality by Léo Charbonneau
- Open access is global unrestricted access by Heather Morrison
- Open Access Publishing in Canada: Current and Future Library and University Press Supports by Donald Taylor, Heather Morrison, Brian Owen, Kumiko Vézina and Andrew Waller
- Open access… Canada? by Dezene P.W. Huber
- How does Canada’s new Open Data Portal and licence fare. by Tracey Lauriault
- COPPUL (Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries) Guide on Archived Scholarly Communications Lectures
- Open Access and Canadian University Presses: A White Paper Prepared for the Association of Canadian University Presses
- Open Access Mandates and the "Fair Dealing" Button
- Require Open Access to Results of Research Funded by Canadian Taxpayer, submission by Heather Morrison, et al.
- Synergies : Canada's SSH Research Infrastructure - A not-for-profit platform for the publication and the dissemination of research results in social sciences and humanities published in Canada.
- No more free access to Canadian science journals: Privatization of NRC Research Press means public, scientists now pay $10 per article by Emily Chung
- Open Access Law Canada
- Same As It Ever Was: Canada's New Open Data Portal and Restrictive Licence Terms by Michael Geist
- Survey of University of Toronto Faculty Awareness, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Scholarly Communication: A Preliminary Report by Gale Moore
- PubMed Central Canada: Beyond an Open Access Repository? by Rajiv Nariani
- A comparison of an open access university press with traditional presses: Two years later by Rory McGreal, Nian-Shing Chen, Tim McNamara
- New Era of Open Access to Public Funded Research: While world makes ambitious plans for next decade, Canada lags behind by Michael Geist
- Open Access in Canada: A Strong Beginning by Devon Greyson, Heather Morrison and Andrew Waller
- A Review of Emerging Models in Canadian Academic Publishing by Kathleen Shearer
- Canadian business, heal thyself by Jeffrey Simpson
- Open access legislation in the US and Canada looks to prioritize post-publication archiving, not publishers' profits by Heather Morrison
- Open Access to Canada's Research Nears Tipping Point: Shift reflects the notion that taxpayer-supported findings should be free for the public by Michael Geist
- Creative Commons Canada Open Access Week Launch of
- Council of Canadian Academies Annual Report 2012/2013
- Canadian research and development spending dropping: Report by Howard Solomon
- Globe and Mail Report on Business Canada Competes
Relevant International Documents/Mandates/Policies/etc. (very incomplete)
- General
- UNESCO Global Open Access Portal (information & links for every relevant country & region)
- Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities
- Budapest Open Access Initiative
- IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Open Access Initiative
- UNESCO Open Access Policy
- Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations: Open Access Policy Mandates
- Office of Science & Technology Policy Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research
- Increasing Public Access to the Results of Scientific Research (Response to We the People petition by John Holdren)
- Scientific Publishers Offer Solution to White House's Public Access Mandate (CHORUS proposal)
- SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) Proposed by ARL, AAU, APLU (SHARE proposal)
- Harvard Open Access Policies
- Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing
- UK & Ireland
- Europe
- European Union Policy Open Access to Scientific Communication
- European Commission Open Access Policy Initiatives
- European Commission: Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
- Open Access at the Max Planck Society
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research embraces open access
- Australasia
- South America
- SciELO announces open access eBook collection from Brazil
- A Global View of Open Access – Part 2 (SCIELO & Brazil)
- The SciELO Open Access: A Gold Way from the South by Abel L. Packer
- Africa
- Berlin 10 Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities (nearly 30 African institutions are signatories)
- Open access in Africa — changes and challenges: Elsevier’s Director of Access Relations writes about his work with the African Academy of Science in Kenya by David Tempest
Please consider this post CC0. To the extent possible under law, I am waiving all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this post, Resources on Open Access in Canada. This work is published from Canada.
Update 2013.07.01: Added about 20 new items, including some miscellaneous articles, some OA policies and others. A new section for Canadian Association of Learned Journals also added. Most new items are courtesy of the Open Access Tracking Project. Thanks for Peter Suber for suggesting in the comments. Happy Canada Day!
Update 2013.07.03. Added section with International links & resources. Thanks to LSW for so many wonderful suggestions. Also added a few miscellaneous items.
Update 2013.11.06. Added several new items, including report on Industrial R&D in Canada and the Paradox Lost report on research strengths & innovation weaknesses.
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Hi John. Good collection. Also see the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) library for the "oa.canada" tag:
Thanks, Peter. Great idea, one I probably should have thought of myself. I've already noticed one or two things I should add.