Book Camp Toronto: Saturday, May 15, 2010

The second Book Camp TO is coming up in about 6 weeks or so: Saturday, May 15, 2010 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

Last year's edition was terrific and I'm really looking forward to another great conference.

What's it about?

  • What: BookCampTO is a free unconference about the future of books, reading, writing and publishing. Ebooks have arrived, and with them great changes are afoot. BoomCampTO 2010 will focus on what happens next, how this big shift to digital is changing different parts of the book business, and how we are adapting. Our focus is not so much on ebooks as everything else.
  • When: Saturday, May 15, 2010, 9am-5pm + drinks afterwards.
  • Where: University of Toronto iSchool: 140 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S
  • Who: Everyone is welcome at BookCampTO: publishers, writers, technologists, readers, editors, designers, book sellers, book buyers, printers, teachers, librarians ... anyone who cares about books.
  • Why: We love books, we love writing, we love reading, we love publishing, and we want to see the world of Canadian books thriving in the coming future.
  • How: BookCamp is a conversation. Session format is: a fifteen minute intro, with a 40 minute discussion with participants.

My York colleague Evan Leibovitch and I are proposing a session on ebooks in academia:

eBooks in Education and Academia -- the glacial revolution, John Dupuis and Evan Leibovitch (York University)

Description: Despite growing public acceptance of eBooks, two areas in which they could offer the most benefit -- education and academia -- are far behind the eBook mainstream. This session will discuss issues directly related to educational (K-12) and academic (post-secondary) use of eBooks from the perspective of authors, readers and libraries. The session will also discuss the current generation of eBook readers -- both hardware and software -- in the context of student and researcher use.

The registration is filling up fast, so you might only have a day or two before the waiting list kicks in.


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