Help celebrate PLoS ONEâs second birthday on

PLoS ONE turns two this month, and to celebrate, they're partnering with to make history on December 18.

On that day, we're asking bloggers to write about one of the thousands of articles that have appeared on PLoS ONE in the past two years, in a synchroblogging event of epic proportions. It might just be the biggest day ever for blogging about peer-reviewed research. Want to participate? Visit the PloS ONE blog for more info. I've also reposted their instructions below.

PLoS ONE turns two this December. For our community celebration we're going to run our second synchroblogging competition. The first one was organized to celebrate the first ever Open Access Day this year and resulted in 400 posts and two winners Greg Laden and Dorothea Salo who each received some nice swag. This time, we've partnered up with our friends at, the site that aggregates blogs about peer-reviewed research, to create this competition.

To take part, all you have to do is:

1. Register on

2. On December 18, 2008, blog about a PLoS ONE paper past or present and use the icon provided by so the link to your post appears on their site (if you have any technical difficulties doing this simply send your post to Bora Zivkovic,, our community manager and he'll help you out).

3. We'll also use Google News/Technorati to track entries - to make this easier please use the phrase "PLoS ONE @ Two" in your post. Finally, we'd like you to try and track back to our original article, here are some instructions.

We've assembled a small team of judges who will review all these posts and vote on a winner. They will be looking for well organized posts from qualified individuals that set the research in broader context and add to the debate around the paper by posing questions on it.

The winning post will have their entry cross posted on the PLoS ONE Blog and A Blog Around the Clock. They will also receive a bag of swag that includes: the new PLoS Water bottle (H2go brand) and a couple of cool PLoS t-shirts.

In your eagerness to get involved, please don't post before December 18, 2008, we really want to make a noise for our birthday.


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