We've been doing a lot of social psychology on Casual Fridays lately, what with gift preferences and email sign-offs. So this week we thought we'd get back to basic perception research. We'll see if we can uncover fundamental perceptual differences with a simple online test. I can't tell you much more about the study with spoiling the results, but this one should be quick and fun, so why not give it a try?
Click here to participate in the study.
As usual, the study is brief, with just 11 quick questions, so it should only take a minute of your time. You have until 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesday, January 10 to participate -- or until we have 500 responses, whichever comes first. Then don't forget to come back next Friday for our analysis of the results!
I've closed the comments on this one, again so that others aren't unfairly primed to respond in a particular way.