Education and Outreach at ScienceOnline2010


Every year, we pay special attention to sessions that explore the use of the Web in science education. This year is no different - there are several sessions to choose from:

Citizen Science and Students - Sandra Porter, Tara Richerson (science_goddess), and Antony Williams

Description: Students are a great resource for projects that require large numbers of volunteers. We will discuss examples of projects that combine student learning with authentic research and the power of blogs to connect students with projects. Discuss here.

Science Education: Adults - Darlene Cavalier

Description: "Cavalier's site Science Cheerleader aims to increase adult science literacy through a variety of channels including a partnership with GMU's Prof James Trefil, efforts to involve adults in science policy discussions, and by directing adults to "on ramps" where they can find opportunities to volunteer to "do science" as part of formal or informal science activities." Discuss here.

Broader Impact Done Right - Karen James, Kevin Zelnio, Miriam Goldstein, Rick MacPherson, Jeff Ives and Beth Beck

Description: Often, scientists fulfill their "broader impacts" requirements in mediocre ways that appear to reach a broad audience, but in effect have very little impact. Recent expeditions have used a multifaceted approach to cast as wide a net as possible using established online resources like blogs and microblogs, audio and video podcasts, traditional and new media. These resources are easy to share and spread the mission of the expeditions and the excitement of discovery and the science being done in real time. We will take examples and experiences from the recent SEAPLEX and Darwin and the Adventure expeditions as well as the sustained efforts of NASA and NEAQ. We will explore such questions as "What are the elements of successful short- and long-term online science outreach projects and programs?" and "Does the focus on specific (and often peripheral) debates dominating so much of the science blogosphere attract or disenchant potential readers of/participants in online science?" Discuss here.

Science online talks between generations- Beatrice Lugger and Christian Rapp

Description: In huge meetings around the world several organizations try to initiate a dialogue between top scientists and young researchers -the Lindau Meetings of Nobel Laureates are one of them providing numerous opportunities for an exchange of ideas and thoughts between young researchers and Nobel Laureates. The idea is to support this dialogue with a special platform in the web, where current science topics can be discussed and the talks and thoughts can be followed by a broader public. We'd like to discuss how one can initiate a continued communication process even between two meetings. Which internet/social web tools might be useful to bridge the communication habits of a younger generation with that of an older generation? Discuss here.

Not too easy - how to make science blogging interesting (and yet stay challenging) for children under 10 - Jessica Riccò

Description: Jessica Riccò edits a science magazine for kids and also does the online science pages for children for the "Deutsches Museum" (= biggest science museum in Germany, located in Munich). She will lead a discussion about how to get children interested in science blogs (and why that's more effective than ex-cathedra teaching). Discuss here.

Connections with mathematics and programming through modeling. - Maria Droujkova and Blake Stacey

Description: Computer models and simulations can make abstract mathematics concrete and explore idealizations we make of the real world. We'll discuss how to use widely-available software to visualize mathematics, and how students can do what professional scientists do, like using computers to get numerical solutions when analytic tools are unavailable. Discuss here.

Blogging the Future - The Use of Online Media in the Next Generation of Scientists - Stacy Baker

Description: Ms. Baker has changed schools (moved from Maryland to Staten Island) and the use of the Web in teaching is now an even greater part of her teaching job. She is going to come again with a new set of high school students to discuss how they use the web in the classroom. See her site and her school's site. Discuss here.


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