Tweetlinks, 10-04-09

Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time:

Why Chicago Failed To Win The Olympics - because nobody but Americans wants yet another Games here....

I Unleash My Journalism Students To Critique Newsweek's Daniel Lyons

The discovery of heredity - some ideas we take for granted are pretty recent discoveries.

Rethinking the Shape of Everyday Life

Changed your mind on 'attending', 'maybe attending' or 'not attending' ScienceOnline2010? Change your response and building models for social media

Sex Determination in Sea Monsters

Can your slides pass the "Glance Test"? Stanford Passed (and Failed) the Glance Test. Would you?

Twitter's New 'Lists' Feature Finally Introduces Grouping, Offers An Alternative To The SUL

2009 Summit: Environmentally Responsible Development of Nanotechnology at the NC Biotechnology Center.

ScienceOnline2010 Program is looking better and better.


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