The Open Laboratory 2009 - the submissions so far

i-ba38d9c98c95f8c9334ffd28339df675-OpenLab logo.jpg

Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 370 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and other people's posts (remember that we are looking for original poems, art, cartoons and comics, as well as essays):

i-ba38d9c98c95f8c9334ffd28339df675-OpenLab logo.jpg

Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 360 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and other people's posts (remember that we are looking for original poems, art, cartoons and comics, as well as essays):

10 days of science: Astronomical art: Representing Planet Earth

2020 Science: Hooked on science - ten things that inspired me to become a scientist

A Blog Around The Clock: On Being a Nurse- a guest post
A Blog Around The Clock: Why social insects do not suffer from ill effects of rotating and night shift work?
A Blog Around The Clock: Circadian Rhythm of Aggression in Crayfish
A Blog Around The Clock: Co-Researching spaces for Freelance Scientists?
A Blog Around The Clock: The Shock Value of Science Blogs
A Blog Around The Clock: Defining the Journalism vs. Blogging Debate, with a Science Reporting angle

A Hot Cup of Joe: Artificial Cranial Modification: Trephination
A Hot Cup of Joe: Artificial Cranial Modification: Head Shaping

a k8, a cat, a mission: Moms asking for help
a k8, a cat, a mission: What does good mentorship look like?
a k8, a cat, a mission: Praise and Appreciation
a k8, a cat, a mission: Proximate mechanisms
a k8, a cat, a mission: The lives of women in science

A Primate of Modern Aspect: Ganlea megacanina: Saki of the Eocene
A Primate of Modern Aspect: She has her father's coat, and her mother's testosterone

A Stubborn Mule's Perspective: Deleveraging and Australian Property Prices

A Wonderful Day for Anthropology: Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India

Aardvarchaeology: The Knowledge of the Ancients

Adventures in Ethics and Science: How does salt melt snails?

AK's Rambling Thoughts: The Nature of the Neocortex

Ambivalent Academic: Some days I want to kick Science in the teeth
Ambivalent Academic: What exactly am I ambivalent about? Part I
Ambivalent Academic: What exactly am I ambivalent about? Part Deux
Ambivalent Academic: Motivation: what works and what doesn't

Anna's Bones: Stripped, Part II - 'The Aquiline Nose'

Archetype: Richard Owen's archetype
Archetype: Homology Weekly: Tentorial Pits
Archetype: Homology Weekly: Metapleural Gland
Archetype: Homology Weekly: Clypeus
Archetype: Homology Weekly: Petiole, Postpetiole and 'Tubulation'
Archetype: Homology (Bi)Weekly: Dentiform Labral Setae

Archy: Zombies of the mammoth steppes
Archy: Fragments of my research - VIII
Archy: A mammoth literary mystery
Archy: A very brief history of plagiarism
Archy: The intellectual dishonesty of Allan Quist
Archy: Quist, Antarctica, and all that
Archy: Mammoth on ice
Archy: Mammoth illustrations

Articulate Matter: Proper Lab Technique (original art)

Astroblog: Galileos' DNA, and different forms of Blindness

The Austringer: Another Look at Law and Theory

Backreaction: The Variational Principle

The Beagle Project Blog: What is the difference between HMS Beagle and RMS Titanic?
The Beagle Project Blog: Cosmopithecus (guest post by astronaut Mike Barrat)
The Beagle Project Blog: The new Beagle: a flagship for science in a new age of sail

The Bernoulli Trial: How to talk back to a statistic

Beyond the Short Coat: Hard Conversations: Vaccines and Autism, Part 1
Beyond the Short Coat: Starting off strong
Beyond the Short Coat: Bittersweet

Biochemical Soul: Darwin and the Heart of Evolution

BioLOG: Publish or Perish: Writing Strategies

Birds and Science: Caged budgerigars and invasive parakeets
Birds and Science: How do huge bird colonies synchronize?
Birds and Science: Fight and coordination in bird duets
Birds and Science: The magic of a dancing flock of starlings
Birds and Science: Bird moult allometry
Birds and Science: Feather mites and God?

Brontossauros em meu Jardim: Navigation is required*: the incredible case of the desert ant

Byte Size Biology: Glowing like a horse
Byte Size Biology: Skin flick
Byte Size Biology: Skin Flick 2: Statistic Boogaloo
Byte Size Biology: The Incredible Shrinking Genome
Byte Size Biology: The new natural history
Byte Size Biology: Science 2.0: things that work and things that don't
Byte Size Biology: Distant homology and being a little pregnant

CABI Blogs: Hand Picked...and Carefully Sorted: We caught malignant malaria from chimpanzees -- but when exactly?
CABI Blogs: Hand Picked...and Carefully Sorted: Forest destruction threatens Kenya's economy
CABI Blogs: Hand Picked ... and Carefully Sorted: Trees on farms - area twice the size of the Amazon
CABI Blogs: Hand Picked ... and Carefully Sorted: What would catastrophic climate change involve?

Canadian Girl Postdoc in America: The Gaza Strip of Graduate School
Canadian Girl Postdoc in America: Science's true tragedy
Canadian Girl Postdoc in America: The Value of Science in Canada

Catalogue of Organisms: Define 'Published'

Caribbean Paleobiology: From land to sea

Chemical Engineering For Life: Plastics

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster: The Spaghetti Constant

The Clean Industrial Revolution: Where Does Andrew Bolt Get Book Sales From?

Cosmic Variance: The Grid of Disputation

Coyote Crossing: Spermophilus

Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal: Shed A Tear For The Cryosphere
Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal: The Case of The Missing Sun Spots
Dan's Wild Wild Science Journal: A Profound Quote From Carl Sagan

Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings: Media tracking

Deep Sea News: Biodiversity Pt. 1: Richness vs. Evenness or What Kinds Of Beer Are In My Refrigerator
Deep Sea News: Is it all over for corals?

The Descent of Brain: 'And through strange aeons, even Death may die'

Digital Cuttlefish: Science Is Cephalopod (poem and cartoon)
Digital Cuttlefish: Selection Favours Prepared Cephalapod (poem and cartoon)

Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How NOT to encourage diversity in the scientific community

The Dragon's Tales: The KT Extinction: The Day the Sky Fell

Drawing Flies: Grey Marker Frenzy (cartoon)

Ed Boyden's blog: Civilization as Experiment
Ed Boyden's Blog: The Singularity and the Fixed Point

Effect Measure: Human seasonal H1N1 flu in Giant Anteaters

The End Of The Pier Show: Harry Potter and the Eponyms of Anatomy

The Ethical Palaeontologist: Back to the Jurassic
The Ethical Palaeontologist: The Woman Who Looks Back At Me

Evolutionary Novelties: The glamour of marine biology

Evolving Thoughts: Apes and evolution in the news
Evolving Thoughts: The Demon Spencer
Evolving Thoughts: Social dominance hierarchies
Evolving Thoughts: Tautology 1a: corrections

Expression Patterns: A Squishy Topic
Expression Patterns: Mr. Darwin, you make me blush

Female Science Professor: Start Seeing Micro-inequities

The Flying Trilobite: 'Science-Chess Accommodating Religion'...contest! (original art)

Geófagos: Carbon sequestration by soils

Geotripper: 10 Things a Geology Major Should Know (An Alternate View)
Geotripper: And the Old World Passed Away...A Geologic History of the Colorado Plateau

Going on a bear hunt...: BITE 2: The Cookie Crumbles

Greg Laden's Blog: The Natural Basis for Inequality of the Sexes

Highly Allochthonous: Is the Earth's magnetic field about to flip?

Horatio Algeranon's: Jabberbloggy (poem)
Horatio Algeranon's: Stupid is as stupid does (poem)

Hydro365: Drilling on hard-rock aquifer: foothills of the Sierra Nevada
Hydro365: Locating high yield well in alluvial aquifer: Fresno-Clovis area

ICBS Everywhere: Clever Dave
ICBS Everywhere: Naughty Elmo
ICBS Everywhere: NCCAM = National Scam

I, Editor: What I Think About When I Think About Manuscripts

The Intersection: Singled Out

Island of Doubt: Sea level rise a red herring?
Island of Doubt: What goes up must come down

It's A Micro World After All: Ode To My Peer Reviews (poem)

I was lost but now I live here: The evolution of scientific impact

Laboratory for Evolutionary Endocrinology Blog: What does this anthropologist think about hormonal birth control? Part V

Lab Rat: Bacterial Photography

Laelaps: Poor, poor Ida, Or: "'Overselling an Adapid'

The Lay Scientist: Catching Snowflakes: The Media and Public Perceptions of Disease
The Lay Scientist: Guest Post: Reflections on the Realities of Measles
The Lay Scientist: Wasting 500 hours a month on Facebook. Or how not to use statistics.

The Leatherhosen Paradox: On David and Goliath...

Living the Scientific Life: Plumage Color Influences Choice of Mates and Sex of Chicks in Gouldian Finches, Erythrura gouldiae
Living the Scientific Life: Let's Give Three Bronx Cheers for Bumblebees!
Living the Scientific Life: Dead Birds Do Tell Tales

The MacGuffin: Topiramate Does Not Treat Alcohol Dependnece: Part 1

Made With Molecules: Hey Baby, what's your AVPR1A like?

Mad Scientist, Junior: Pretty Pictures That Toaster Takes

The magic of computer science (The 2009 Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition): The user error that almost cost me my bike

Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets: An Interesting Patch of Quicksand

Masks of Eris: Mathematics instruction as a fish

Mauka to Makai: The Hurdles of Nurdles
Mauka to Makai: Baby-Making
Mauka to Makai: Overfishing Simplified...Then Complexified
Mauka to Makai: Butt Litter
Mauka to Makai: Saving the Screwed

Mental Indigestion: Anatomy of (preparing to write) a scientific paper...
Mental indigestion: The strength of great apes...
Mental indigestion: Mimicry: survival or flattery?...

Migrations: What Use is Half a Wing - Evolution of Flight

Mind the Gap: In which I ponder economies of scale
Mind the Gap: In which I tend a strange garden
Mind the Gap: In which I ramp up
Mind the Gap: In which I muster a hypothesis
Mind the Gap: In which I continue to suspend disbelief
Mind the Gap: In which the data back up our habitual suspicions
Mind the Gap: In which I wade through the fringes of textbook fact
Mind the Gap: In which I dally with both sides
Mind the Gap: In which I am given weird treasures
Mind the Gap: In which I confront the aging process
Mind the Gap: In which I remember where I was when I heard - or possibly not
Mind the Gap: In which I defend the editorial profession - belatedly
Mind the Gap: In which I revisit the dark arts

The mind wobbles: Attribution vs Citation: Do you know the difference?

More Grumbine Science: Science Jabberwocky
More Grumbine Science: Results on deciding trends

The Mouse Trap: Action-selection and Attention-allocation: a common problem and a common solution?

The Mr Science Show: The curse of the duck
The Mr Science Show: Correlation of the Week: Eclipses and the economy
The Mr Science Show: Sumo vs Chess - how their ranking systems work
The Mr Science Show: Correlation of the Week: Zombies, Vampires, Democrats and Republicans
The Mr Science Show: Correlation of the Week: Ashes success and El Nino
The Mr Science Show: Science, Psychology and Cricket
The Mr Science Show: The Home Advantage
The Mr Science Show: Correlation of the Week: Shark attacks and the Global Financial Crisis
The Mr Science Show: Who do you trust to build your synchrotron? (this cannot be printed in a book - it's just a movie clip!)
The Mr Science Show: Ep 107: Ranking Cricketers
A sorry saga - the crumbling cookie

Myrmecos Blog: Pyramica vs Strumigenys: why does it matter?

Neurodojo: Are big brains for adulterous cheating?

Neurophilosophy: Amnesia in the movies
Neurophilosophy: Brain & behaviour of dinosaurs
Neurophilosophy: Voluntary amputation and extra phantom limbs

Neurotopia: The Value of Stupidity: are we doing it right?
Neurotopia: Why I'm a Scientist
Neurotopia: Korsakoff's Psychic Disorder in Conjunction with Peripheral Neuritis
Neurotopia: Friday Weird Science: Female Ejaculation
Neurotopia: Things I like to Blog About: Addiction and the Opponent Process Theory
Neurotopia: Opponent-Process Theory: Welcome to the dark side
Neurotopia: Eating Grad Style: Free Food
Neurotopia: Poem of the Day: #4 (poem)
Neurotopia: An Open Letter
Neurotopia: No Crybabies in Science

New York Blog: Celebrity-based science and the decline of journalism
New York Blog: Food Tripping
New York Blog: The Restructuring of Graduate Education
New York blog: Left Socks and Negative Data
New York blog: The impact of the Impact Factor
New York blog: Frenzy over fossil misses the link

New York Minutes: Be afraid, be very afraid...wait, why?

NoR: Confessions of a Science Fair Dad (almost)

Not Exactly Rocket Science: Darwinius changes everything
Not Exactly Rocket Science: Gender gap in maths driven by social factors, not biological differences
Not Exactly Rocket Science: How research saved the Large Blue butterfly
Not Exactly Rocket Science: 35,000-year-old German flutes display excellent kraftwerk
Not Exactly Rocket Science: Do lost people really go round in circles?

Nothing's Shocking: Should authors decide whether their revised paper is re-reviewed??
Nothing's Shocking: No longer considered to be 'Leaving Science'

Observations of a Nerd: How big things relate to sex, stress and testosterone
Observations of a Nerd: Why I am not a Darwinist, but we should celebrate Darwin Day
Observations of a Nerd: Darwin's Degenerates - Evolution's Finest
Observations of a Nerd: A Marine Biologist's Story
Observations of a Nerd: The End Of The Age Of Man?

OCD: My Flashback and Concern For OCDian's

Oh, For The Love Of Science!: West Nile Virus in a Warming World

The Oyster's Garter: Why you didn't really want the job, Waiting for Godot edition

The Panda's Thumb: Where do comets come from?
The Panda's Thumb: The Real Reason Biologists Laugh at Creationists
The Panda's Thumb: It's all about Science Envy

Pharyngula: A brief moment in the magnificent history of mankind

Piled Higher & Deeper (PHDComics): Great Tweets of Science (comic strip)

Plus Magazine: Shine a light on dodgy stats
Plus Magazine: You aren't what your mother eats

Podblack Cat Blog: Are U(FO) Dreaming Of A Paranormal Christmas?
Podblack Cat Blog: Luck Of The Irish And Other Reasons To Avoid The Pub Today
Podblack Cat Blog: Pet Ownership - Maybe Not For Better Health, Perhaps Sense Of Humour?
Podblack Cat Blog: The Ode Less Practiced - Ericsson and Charness, 1994 / Fry, 2005
PodBlack Cat Blog: Sex And The Single Somnambulist
PodBlack Cat Blog: On Women, Paranormal Belief And When Yahoo Answers Wrong
PodBlack Cat Blog: Ninja Kittens Don't Steal The Moon - Crime Rates And Lunar Phase Research

Prerogative of Harlots: He Blinded Me With Science

The Primate Diaries: The Nature of Partisan Politics
The Primate Diaries: Introducing a Primate
The Primate Diaries: Male Chauvinist Chimps or the Meat Market of Public Opinion?
The Primate Diaries: Superorganisms and Group Selection
The Primate Diaries: Rivalry Among the Reefs
The Primate Diaries: An Anthropologist in District 9

The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Chronic stress and its effects on brain plasticity
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Early-exposure to a high fat diet shapes future preference
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: The negative health effects of perceived discrimination
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Do adults with Asperger syndrome really have ToM?
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Did sleepwalking once serve as an adaptive function?
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Tone deaf? blame it on poor connectivity
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Bid farewell to sleep deprivation's adverse effects on memory
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: The peripheral attenton deficit of primary psychopaths
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: The neural correlates of lucid dreaming
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Erasing phobias early in life
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Is inhibition a measure of free will?
The Quantum Lobe Chronicles: Observation of tool use activates specific brain area only in humans

Reciprocal Space: This is not good enough
Reciprocal Space: Respect my Authority

Reconciliation Ecology: Lost Sounds
Reconciliation Ecology: El Condor Pasa
Reconciliation Ecology: Plagiarism, peer-review, and protecting the integrity of science

The Red Notebook: The Moor Walk

Reptilian Rants: New paper says dinosaurs were endomorphs.
Reptilian Rants: New paper dispells Komodo myth. Also Megalania may have been the world's largest venomous animal.
Reptilian Rants: Sprawling crocodylians walk straight even if there isn't much O2 to go around.
Reptilian Rants: A critical evaluation of Tianyulong confiusci - part 1
Reptilian Rants: A critical evaluation of Tianyulong confiusci - part 2
Reptilian Rants: A critical evalution of Tianyulong confiusci - part 3: Plucking at the idea of feathered dinosaurs

Respectful Insolence: Academia: Slowing down the search for cures?

Sandwalk: Did Life Arise 3.5 Billion Years Ago?

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: How Science Reporting Works (cartoon)

Science After Sunclipse: Where Does Our Information Come From? (art/cartoon)

Science-Based Medicine: Astrology with needles
Science Based Medicine: 'There must be a reason,' or how we support our own false beliefs

Science. Why not?: Niche partitioning in orb-weaver spiders of Louisiana
Science. Why not?: The development of agriculture by the Attini tribe over the past 50 million years
Science. Why not?: American political opportunities are loaded against those who are simultaneously intelligent and honest
Science. Why not?: Could Pterosaurs Actually Fly?
Science. Why not?: Language is Culture and Culture is Language

Sciencewomen: Ask Sciencewomen: What name should I publish under?

The Scientific Activist: Why Swine Flu Is Resistant to Adamantane Drugs

The Scientist: On the nature of faith: Part 1
The Scientist: On the last days
The Scientist: On the passing of reprints
The Scientist: On saying goodbye
The Scientist: Ontology
The Scientist: Ontology #2
The Scientist: On winding down
The Scientist: On the weekend
The Scientist: On small victories
The Scientist: On the nature of networking: reprise
The Scientist: Grey Council
The Scientist: On interfaces
The Scientist: Coincidental Chemistry
The Scientist: On the Future
The Scientist: The year of living dangerously--Part 1
The Scientist: The year of living dangerously--Part 2
The Scientist: The year of living dangerously--Finale
The Scientist: What I want to do when I grow up
The Scientist: Inspiration
The Scientist: In which I watch the Watchmen, and land a new job
The Scientist: Ongoing
The Scientist: On Differences
The Scientist: On whizzy things and how they fall apart
The Scientist: On kit culture

Skulls in the Stars: Michael Faraday, grand unified theorist? (1851)
Skulls in the Stars: Levitation and diamagnetism, or: LEAVE EARNSHAW ALONE!!!
Skulls in the Stars: Lord Rayleigh vs. the Aether! (1902)
Skulls in the Stars: The Discoverie of Witchcraft, by Reginald Scot (1584)

Song for jasmine: Charles Darwin's first theory of evolution

Southern Fried Science: The ecological disaster that is dolphin safe tuna
Southern Fried Science: Bonehenge - Community action in science outreach
Southern Fried Science: Ethical debate: Personal liberty, jobs, conservation, and shark diving.
Southern Fried Science: Heroes and Villains
Southern Fried Science: A curious case of convergent evolution?
Southern Fried Science: Beyond Salmon
Southern Fried Science: Four things EVERYONE needs to know about sharks
Southern Fried Science: Interview with Discovery Channel Executive Paul Gasek
Southern Fried Science: What the hell happened to the environmental movement
Southern Fried Science: How to brew beer in a coffee maker, using only materials commonly found on a modestly sized oceanographic research vessel.
Southern Fried Science: Sharks are sub-par, at best
Southern Fried Science: The Serpent and the Platypus

Starts With A Bang!: The Camera that Changed the Universe: Part 1

Stripped Science: The right pairing (comic strip)
Stripped Science: Catfight (cartoon)

Stupid Dinosaur Lies: Dino Den, The Worst Dinosaur Exhibit Ever!
Stupid Dinosaur Lies: Dino/human FAIL!
Stupid Dinosaur Lies: How Creationists Deal with Velociraptor Stupidly
Stupid Dinosaur Lies: Psittacosaurus as 'Duck billed Dinosaurs' (RFLMBO)

Suppertime Sonnets: In Which I Celebrate A Certain Member of the Lycaenidae Family (poem)

Tangled Up In Blue Guy: Accommodation and New Atheism in Brief

Terra Sigillata: Dear Dad, with love

Tessa's Braces: Exploratorium (comic strip)

Tetrapod Zoology: Publishing with a hidden agenda: why birds simply cannot be dinosaurs

This Week at Hilton Pond: Fledgling Bird: Looking their Age
This Week at Hilton Pond: To John Muir: Thank You For Our National Parks
This Week at Hilton Pond: Big Trees: Redwoods & Sequoias
This Week at Hilton Pond: Insects That Sting: A Naturalist's Dilemma

Tom Paine's Ghost: Taking Earth's Temperature
Tom Paine's Ghost: Beyond Energy (poem)

Tumors Galore: Tree Tumors
Tumors Galore: Lions, and tigers, and boils! Oh, my!
Tumors Galore: Maintenance Therapy

Uncertain Principles: This Is My Job

Understanding Uncertainty: A Worrier's Guide to Risk
Understanding Uncertainty: 2845 ways to spin the Risk

Vaviblog: The origin of fragrant rice The journal scope in focus -- putting scholarly communication in context

When Pigs Fly Returns: Horns & Spikes, Part 1: Postorbital Horns
When Pigs Fly Returns: Horns & Spikes, Part 2: Nasal Horns
When Pigs Fly Returns: Horns & Spikes Part 3: Jugal 'Horns'
When Pigs Fly Returns: Horns & Spikes, Part 4: The Frill

White Coat Underground: Journeys
White Coat Underground: Fountain Pens

Why is science important?: Richard P. Grant: beautiful and essential
Why is science important?: Jennifer Rohn: severe skepticism, as natural as breathing
Why is science important?: Steffi Suhr: sure it's pretty, but it's much more impressive when you know why

Wild Muse: Urban bird strikes
Wild Muse: Naming species, to know a place

Wired Science: Freaky Sleep Paralysis: Being Awake in Your Nightmares

xkcd: Correlation (cartoon)
xkcd: Newton and Leibniz (cartoon)

And help us spread the word by embedding these buttons on your blogs and websites - clicking on them takes you to the submission form:

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Or take the Open Lab 2009 submission bookmarklet - Open Lab - and drag it to your browser's toolbar to have it always handy.


More like this

Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 380 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…
Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 370 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…
Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 360 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…
Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 360 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…

I do worry about post entitled "Richard P. Grant: beautiful and essential". It definitely gives the wrong impression.

Perhaps next year you should have a limit for the number of submissions from each blog (say, a maximum of 5 per blog).