You are all invited to ScienceOnline2010!


It is official - ScienceOnline2010, the fourth annual conference on science and the Web, will be held on January 15-17th, 2010 in the Research Triangle Park area (the exact location to be announced).

Please join us for this three-day event to explore science on the Web. Our goal is to bring together scientists, physicians, patients, educators, students, publishers, editors, bloggers, journalists, writers, web developers, programmers and others to discuss, demonstrate and debate online strategies and tools for doing science, publishing science, teaching science, and promoting the public understanding of science.

* Please take a minute to register (if you were registered last year, use that password) for the wiki.

* Log in and add ideas for the program at this page.

* The registration for the conference itself will open in late Fall 2009. Sign up here to receive advance notice about registration and other conference updates.

(Note: Conference registration is not the same as member registration for editing this wiki, or vice versa - they are two different platforms. To contribute your ideas to this planning wiki, please go to the blue strip on the top of the page and register.)

* If you or your organization are interested in becoming a Sponsor, or helping in other ways, please contact us at

* Keep informed about the organization of the conference at the News and Updates page.

* Keep up with the blog and media coverage here.

* This is a collaborative and community conference -- we need you to participate now to help us make this a successful, fun and educational event. Please volunteer to help.

* This is a conference to explore new ways in communicating scientific exploration. Our conference addresses a variety of issues and perspectives on science communication, including science literacy, the popularization of science, science in classrooms and in homes, debunking pseudoscience, using blogs as tools for presenting scientific research, writing about science, and health and medicine. In addition to being an internationally known hub of scientific and biomedical research and education, North Carolina has numerous science blogs written by a wide variety of people - see this listing of Science bloggers located in North Carolina (and let me know if there are errors or omissions).

* If twittering, use the hashtag: #scio10 (use the same tag on other services, e.g., Flickr, YouTube, etc.).

* Join the conversation in our FriendFeed room.

* Join the Facebook event (this helps us with estimating the number and composition of potential participants)

* Help us spread the word: in person, by phone or e-mail, on social networks and on blogs and websites. If online, please use our Promo materials:



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By David Kroll (not verified) on 16 Aug 2009 #permalink

The registration for the conference itself will open in late Fall 2010.

Registration after the conference? Is this one of those "unconference" innovations I keep hearing about?