The Best of May

I posted only 128 posts in May - the reason for this reduction in numbers I explained here. Traffic has suffered only a little bit so far, I'll keep an eye. Looking back at the month, I noticed how many videos I have posted: about half are very informative and thought-provoking, the other half are hilariously funny. Take a look. So, what did I actually blog about last month?

There was some serious science on this blog last month, e.g., Why social insects do not suffer from ill effects of rotating and night shift work? and Yes, Archaea also have circadian clocks!

I celebrated my birthday and got an iPhone!

I wrote a longish post praising (deservedly) the Undergraduate science summer camp at Petnica Science Center.

Work-related, I announced the April Blog Pick Of The Month and posted about Trackbacks - the hows and the whys - on PLoS journals' articles.

The big story of the month was Ida, of course. I mostly kept my mouth shut about it, but could not avoid introducing the paper in Introducing Ida - the great-great-great-great-grandmother (or aunt), then following up with Wow! Check, Night, night, Ida... and Creative reuse of OA materials.

I posted the links to Columbia Scholarly Communication Program Speaker Series Videos and the two one-hour interviews (in Serbian) I gave to Radio Belgrade last year about science communication, blogs and OA.

I posted announcements of the inauguration of The Clade and Cognitive Monthly. Science Online London 2009 and XXVI International Association of Science Parks World Conference on Science & Technology Parks also needed to be announced.

I went to the Triangle Tweetup and met some interesting people there. I asked my readers to help me compile a collection of all North Carolina science/nature/medical blogs. And I recommended three bizarre, morbid and strange new blogs I discovered.

I posted a not-so-well-thought-out question - A Radical Transparency society is difficult to describe in a SF novel - where my commenters set me straight and produced a lot of thought-provoking material. There was a lot of discussion about commenting on scientific papers. Then I pointed out two great examples of Open Science.

Then I found a poem - The Evolution of Peeps and some pictures of mating slugs and a turtle. And celebrated the birthday of the originator of Milankovitch cycles.

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