My picks from ScienceDaily

DNA From Old Insects: No Need To Destroy The Specimen:

Ancient DNA can now be retrieved from various insect remains without destruction of the specimens.

Rhythmic Genomics: The Yeast Metronome And The Walk Of Life:

New genome sequence information from the humble baker's yeast has revealed surprising variation in a set of genes that can be thought of as nature's oldest clock. In a paper published in Genome Research scientists show how ribosomal RNA genes that are essential to all Earth's organisms provide insight into how genomes maintain their integrity on their evolutionary journey.

Chronic Insomnia With Short Sleep Duration Is Significant Risk Factor For Hypertension:

A study in the April 1 issue of the journal SLEEP is the first to demonstrate that chronic insomnia with objectively measured short sleep time is an independent and clinically significant risk factor for hypertension.

Active Component Of Marijuana Has Anti-cancer Effects, Study Suggests:

Guillermo Velasco and colleagues, at Complutense University, Spain, have provided evidence that suggests that cannabinoids such as the main active component of marijuana (THC) have anticancer effects on human brain cancer cells.

Tropical Forest Seed Banks: A Blast From The Past:

Seeds of some tree species in the Panamanian tropical forest can survive for more than 30 years before germinating. That is 10 times longer than most field botanists had believed.

Adult Brain Processes Fractions 'Effortlessly':

Although fractions are thought to be a difficult mathematical concept to learn, the adult brain encodes them automatically without conscious thought, according to new research in the April 8 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience.

Satellite Snow Maps Help Reindeer Herders Adapt To A Changing Arctic:

Arctic reindeer herders are facing the challenges of adapting to climate change as a warmer Arctic climate makes it harder for herds to find food and navigate. To help them adapt, the ESA-backed Polar View initiative is providing them with satellite-based snow maps.

Researchers Find Promotion Is Bad For Mental Health And Stops Your Visiting The Doctor:

New research by economics and psychology researchers at the University of Warwick has found that promotion on average produces 10% more mental strain and gives up to 20% less time to visit the Doctors.

Amphibians May Develop Immunity To Fatal Fungus:

Amphibian populations are declining worldwide, principally because of the spread of the fungal disease chytridiomycosis. Researchers know that some amphibian populations and species are innately more susceptible to the disease than others.

Chicken Soup May Fight Blood Pressure: Passover's Matzoh Ball Soup May Be Good For Your Health:

With the Jewish holiday of Passover beginning at sundown next Wednesday, April 8, a staple of the traditional dinner -- chicken soup with matzoh balls -- may take on medicinal importance based on findings published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

DNA Origami Seeds Control Complex Nucleation Processes:

The construction of complex man-made objects--a car, for example, or even a pizza--almost invariably entails what are known as "top-down" processes, in which the structure and order of the thing being built is imposed from the outside (say, by an automobile assembly line, or the hands of the pizza maker).

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