Go. There. Now!

Where? To visit Dr.Isis.

Why? To help an Undergraduate win a science scholarship:

The APS has very kindly agreed to allow us (hang tight, I'm not asking for money, seriously) to fund an award at this year's Experimental Biology meeting for the undergraduate woman who submits the best abstract. Each year the APS awards seven David Bruce Awards for undergraduate research excellence and, within the structure of this program, the APS will be adding an eighth award specifically from me and my lovely readers (but I'm not asking for money. I promise). I really loved the idea of using my blog to encourage and reward a more junior scientist who had done excellent work and visiting these undergraduate poster presentations are really a highlight for me each year. So how can you help?

It's no secret that us ScienceBloggers are paid for our drivel. Right now I make about enough in a month to cover the cost of my internet connection. In order to fund the award, I have agreed to donate to the APS the proceeds from my blogging shenanigans over the next 30 days. The APS has very generously agreed to provide matching funds up to a final award amount of $500. My current traffic is not sufficient to completely fund the award....but it could be if I about doubled my traffic.

So, it's really quite simple. I am asking you to help reward an undergraduate scientist for research excellence by clicking on my blog and asking others to click too. If you click once a day, come by twice a day. Each time you do, the proceeds generated will go to fund this award.

And then do what? Just go there, as often as you can remember. And send others. Clicks, visits, pageviews....more of that, more money for the kid.

Just do it.

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