My picks from ScienceDaily

Mammals That Hibernate Or Burrow Less Likely To Go Extinct:

The best way to survive the ill-effects of climate change and pollution may be to simply sleep through it. According to a new study published in The American Naturalist, mammals that hibernate or that hide in burrows are less likely to turn up on an endangered species list. The study's authors believe that the ability of such "sleep-or-hide" animals to buffer themselves from changing environments may help them avoid extinction.

Ten New Amphibian Species Discovered In Colombia; Secluded Safe Haven For Frogs As Global Extinctions Rise:

Scientists today announced the discovery of 10 amphibians believed to be new to science, including a spiky-skinned, orange-legged rain frog, three poison dart frogs and three glass frogs, so called because their transparent skin can reveal internal organs.

Orphan Chimpanzees Cleverer Than Humans, Study Finds:

Orphaned chimpanzee infants given special 'mothering' by humans are more advanced than the average child at nine months of age. In the first study to examine the effect of different types of care for infant chimpanzees on cognition, researchers found chimpanzees who were given extra emotionally-based care were more cognitively advanced than human infants.

Biodiversity Hotspot Enabled Neanderthals To Survive Longer In South East Of Spain:

Over 14,000 years ago during the last Pleistocene Ice Age, when a large part of the European continent was covered in ice and snow, Neanderthals in the region of Gibraltar in the south of the Iberian peninsula were able to survive because of the refugium of plant and animal biodiversity. Today, plant fossil remains discovered in Gorham's Cave confirm this unique diversity and wealth of resources available in this area of the planet.

Dozen New Tree Frogs Discovered In Rapidly Vanishing Habitat In India:

A dozen frogs new to science were discovered in the forests of Western Ghats (Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka. Goa, Maharashtra, and part of Gujarat). Amphibian researchers S D Biju of Delhi University, Systematics Lab and Franky Bossuyt of the Amphibian Evolution Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel have published their discoveries in the latest issue of Zoological Journal of Linnean Society, London.

Jaguars Caught On Camera-traps From Ecuador's First Large-scale Jaguar Census:

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has released photos from the first large-scale census of jaguars in the Amazon region of Ecuador--one of the most biologically rich regions on the planet.

Cell-building Discovery Could Reduce Need For Some Animal Research:

Brown University biomedical engineers can now grow and assemble living microtissues into complex three-dimensional structures in a way that will advance the field of tissue engineering and may eventually reduce the need for certain kinds of animal research.

Mountain Caribou's Ancient Ancestry Revealed:

The declining mountain caribou populations of Canada's southern Rockies are a more distinct breed than scientists previously believed, according to a new study by University of Calgary researchers that is shedding light on the ancient ancestry of the mountain-dwelling herbivores.

Small Male Chimps Use Politics, Rather Than Aggression, To Lead The Pack:

With most mammals, the biggest and most aggressive male claims the alpha male role and gets his choice of food and females. But a new study from the University of Minnesota suggests that at least among chimpanzees, smaller, more mild-mannered males can also use political behavior to secure the top position.

Of Mice And Men: Cognitive Scientists Find Both Species Equally Adept At Assessing Risk:

Humans and mice are both good at assessing risk in everyday tasks, according to a study by Rutgers University scientists published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


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