My picks from ScienceDaily

Infidelity Produces Faster Sperm, Swedish Fish Study Finds:

Until now, it has been difficult to prove that fast-swimming sperm have an advantage when it comes to fertilizing an egg. But now a research team at Uppsala University can demonstrate that unfaithful females of the cichlid fish species influence the males' sperm. Increased competition leads to both faster and larger sperm, and the research findings now being published in the scientific journal PNAS, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, thus show that the much mythologized size factor does indeed count.

The Un-favorite Child: Adults Who Perceived Parents As Being Lenient With Siblings Still Happy Later In Life:

"Mom always liked you best." The Smothers Brothers aside, chances are if you've got a sibling, this is something you've either heard or said at some point in your life. Many people feel that their parents were harder on them than on their siblings. And many are quick to blame negative outcomes in adulthood on it. But results from a Temple University study published this month in the Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences suggest that if anything, the opposite is true.

Global Warming: Tree Deaths Have Doubled Across The Western U.S.:

A new study led by the U.S. Geological Survey and involving the University of Colorado at Boulder and Oregon State University as well as other research institutes indicates tree deaths in the West's old-growth forests have more than doubled in recent decades, likely from regional warming and related drought conditions.

Offspring Of Male Geezers: A New Wrinkle:

Although mammalian males can reproduce until late in life, evidence of hazards to offspring has emerged in human and animal models. Two papers in the February 2009 issue of the journal Biology of Reproduction provide clear, well-controlled data of deleterious effects on the offspring of aged male mice mated to females of prime reproductive age.

NOAA Gives Navy Marine Mammal Protection Measures For Sonar Training Off The Atlantic Coast And Gulf Of Mexico:

NOAA's Fisheries Service has issued regulations and a letter of authorization to the U.S. Navy that includes measures to protect marine mammals while conducting Atlantic fleet active sonar training off the Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. The regulations require the Navy to implement measures designed to protect and minimize effects to marine mammals.

Food Choices And Location Influence California Sea Otter Exposure To Disease:

Sea otters living along the central California coast risk higher exposure to disease-causing parasites as a consequence of the food they eat and where they feed.


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tags: evolution, evolutionary biology, evolutionary ecology, plumage color,carotenoid-based colour, carotenoids, lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress, sperm motility, sperm quality, sperm velocity, birds, ornithology, Great Tit, Parus major,,peer-reviewed research, peer-…
That is so gross, yet also very cool. The cowpea weevil or Callosobruchus maculatus has an arms race that is going between the males and females. This beetle species are promiscuous, and there is a lot of advantage for the males to be the last one to have mated with a particular female in terms of…
You've got to feel sorry for the female seed beetle. Whenever she mates with a male, she has to contend with his spiked, nightmarish penis (remember this picture?). And despite the damage that it inflicts, one liaison just isn't enough; female seed beetles typically mate with many males before they…
It would appear that today will be Sex Day at Pure Pedantry. So be it. I didn't know this but mouse and rat sperm have funny shaped hooks at their tips. To the right is a picture of sperm from a variety of mouse and rat species (click to enlarge). A) Variation in hook design across nine murine…