Today's carnivals

20th Carnival of the Blue is up on Biomes Blog

Carnival of the Green #161 is up on Tao of Change (a blog very local to me, here in Carrboro, NC).

Cabinet of Curiosities #12 is up on Walking the Berkshires

Edition #12 of Berry-Go-Round is up on Foothills Fancies

Festival of the Trees # 31 is up on Rock Paper Lizard

Encephalon #61 is up on SharpBrains

Change of Shift Volume Three - Number Thirteen is up on Nurse Rached's Place

Four Stone Hearth the New Year edition is up on Testimony of the spade

Gene Genie #41 is up on ScienceRoll

Cancer Research Blog Carnival #17 is up on Blind.Scientist

Carnival Of Space #83 - The Antipodean Edition is up on Astroblog

The 46th Carnival of Mathematics is up on Walking Randomly

Medicine 2.0 Carnival #35 is up on ScienceRoll


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