ScienceOnline'09 - introducing the participants


So, let's highlight some of the participants of this year's ScienceOnline09 conference:

Eva Amsen is a newly-minted PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Toronto, and she blogs on Easternblot, Expression Patterns and Musicians and Scientists.

Melissa Anley-Mills is the News Director in the Office of Research and Development at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Samia Ansari is a Biochemistry Undergraduate student at the University of Georgia, and she blogs on 49 percent. She will co-moderate the session on Race in science - online and offline.

Apryl Bailey is the Creative Director and Production Manager at She will co-moderate the session Not just text - image, sound and video in peer-reviewed literature and will also do a demo of

Stacy Baker teaches high-school biology. She also writes a blog about the use of technology in teaching - Using Blogs in Science Education - and runs, together with her students, a classroom blog Extreme Biology (which just received the EduBlog2008 Award). Miss Baker and eight of her students will lead the session Science online - middle/high school perspective (or: 'how the Facebook generation does it'?).

Enrico Maria Balli is one of the founders and the CEO of Sissa Medialab in Trieste, Italy.

Meredith Barrett is a Ph.D Student in the Duke University Program in Ecology at the Nicholas School of the Environment and writes (from the field, in Madagascar) her blog Lemur health & conservation. She will participate in the panel Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations.

Karl Leif Bates is the Editor of Duke Research which is published by the Duke University Office of News & Communications and is a SCONC board member.

Arati Bechtel writes the JMP Blog. JMP is Statistical Discovery Software from SAS.

Mike Bergin is well known to the readers of my blog, as the blogger at 10000birds and the manager of I and the Bird blog carnival. He will moderate the session Blog carnivals: why you should participate.

Peter Binfield is a physicist and the Managing Editor of PLoS ONE. He will co-moderate the sessions on Reputation, authority and incentives. Or: How to get rid of the Impact Factor and Alternative careers: how to become a journal editor.

Larry Boles works at the Museum of Life + Science in Durham and blogs on their MLS Animal Department blog.

Mauricio Borgen is the IT Administrator at Athenix Corp.

Jean-Claude Bradley is a professor of chemistry at Drexel University. He is the pioneer of the Open Notebook Science movement, which you can see in action on his blog Useful Chemistry and the lab wiki UsefulChem Project. He will co-moderate the session Open Notebook Science - how to do it right (if you should do it at all)

Bjorn Brembs is a neuroscientist at Freie Universitat Berlin and a science blogger. He will co-moderate the sessions on Reputation, authority and incentives. Or: How to get rid of the Impact Factor and Open Access publishing: present and future.

Chris Brodie is the vice president of corporate communications at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center and one of the founders and board members of SCONC.

Daniel Brown is an IRTA Fellow in the Polypeptide Hormone Action Group at the National Institute of Environmental Health Science and blogs on Biochemicalsoul.

Christine Bruske-Flowers works in the Office of Communications for the National Institute of Environmental Health Science.

Steve Burnett is a musician, an acoustic ecologist and a blogger here in the Triangle.


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