Getting in the mood for holidays

Perhaps we should buy this: No Limit Texas Dreidel - Jewish Gift Pack Family Entertainment:

Let My People Go All In!! Take Dreidel, combine it with poker, and you've got a new dreidel experience that is truly fun, and a game that is the talk of the Jewish community. You'll check, bet, raise, or fold depending on the strength of your dreidel hand (or how much you like to bluff). Standard edition game is for 2-4 players (not suitable for children 3 and under/choking hazard). Each set includes 4 shakers, a "spinner" button, 4 small dreidels and 3 large dreidels, and comes in a heavy quality drawstring pouch. Complete instructions are also included, prior knowledge of poker is NOT essential (but it helps!). Chips are not included - we recommend using kosher chocolate gelt coins, jelly beans or other fun candies (sold separately).

Then play it while listening to Erran Baron Cohen's version of 'Dreidel':


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