A couple of minutes of quick science news every week:
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A few weeks ago I highlighted this relevant finding from the massive amount of data contained in Pew's annual State of the Media report. And Chris highlighted the results of this separate survey. The posts grabbed the attention of a reporter for Science and the news nuggets are featured in the…
You may be aware that, as of recently, one of my tasks at work is to monitor media coverage of PLoS ONE articles. This is necessary for our own archives and monthly/annual reports, but also so I could highlight some of the best media coverage on the everyONE blog for everyone to see. As PLoS ONE…
If you're in the same boat as I am (ie, you have a job and/or a life) you probably never get a chance to read every last article linked to in the latest "Another Week of GW news" posting (or even 1 in 100!) So I just wanted to point to the set of stories about "spin batteries" or nanoball-…
This week's American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting is quickly coming to a close. We've attended our last panel, an interesting couple hours on educating the public including folks from RealClimate.org, the Knight Science Journalism Tracker, BBC, and more. This will be the first of two posts that…
OMG I have the same shirt as her! Platypus Power!
Kiki rocks, my family has been listening to her radio show/podcast for quite some time. She was doing a great video podcast called Kitchen Science that was great.