My Picks From ScienceDaily

Single Insecticide Application Can Kill Three Cockroach Generations:

One dose of an insecticide can kill three generations of cockroaches as they feed off of each other and transfer the poison, according to Purdue University entomologists who tested the effectiveness of a specific gel bait.

To Find Out What's Eating Bats, Biologist Takes To Barn Rooftops:

Bloodsucking pests like bat fleas and bat flies may not sound very appealing to the rest of us, but to University at Buffalo biologist Katharina Dittmar de la Cruz, Ph.D., they are among the most successful creatures evolution has ever produced.

Life On The Edge: To Disperse, Or Become Extinct?:

The hardiest plants and those most likely to survive the climatic shifts brought about by global warming are now easier to identify, thanks to new research findings by a team from Queen's University. Plants existing at the edges of their natural habitats may enhance survival of the species during global warming, says Queen's University professor.

From The Egg, Baby Crocodiles Call To Each Other And To Mom:

For the first time, researchers have shown that the pre-hatching calls of baby Nile crocodiles actually mean something to their siblings and to their mothers. The calls--which are perfectly audible to humans and sound like "umph! umph! umph!"--tell the others in the nest that it's time to hatch, according to the report in the June 23rd issue of Current Biology. Those cries also tell the mother croc to start digging up the nest.

Exploited Fish Make Rapid Comeback In World's Largest No-take Marine Reserve Network:

No-take marine reserves, in which fishing is completely banned, can lead to very rapid comebacks of the fish species most prized by commercial and recreational fisheries, reveals a new study of Australia's Great Barrier Reef published in the June 24th issue of Current Biology.

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If you listen to the egg of a crocodile, you can tell when it's going to hatch by the small squeaks coming out of it. The squeaks come from the unborn babies and sound like "umph! umph! umph!". These calls are common to all crocodilians and while zoologists have always suspected that they serve a…
In 2004, the Australian Government turned a third of the Great Barrier Reef into the largest network of no-fishing zones in the world. All fishing was banned in an area of sea just smaller than England. It was a bold and controversial political move - jobs and livelihoods, it was said, were on the…
A complete ban on fishing can save coral reef communities in more ways than one. A few weeks ago, I blogged about a study which found that the coral trout, a victim of severe overfishing, was bouncing back in the small regions of the Great Barrier Reef where fishing has been totally forbidden. It…
How Social Insects Recognize Dead Nestmates: When an ant dies in an ant nest or near one, its body is quickly picked up by living ants and removed from the colony, thus limiting the risk of colony infection by pathogens from the corpse. The predominant understanding among entomologists - scientists…