The Meme Of Memes!

Matt and Mrs.Whatsit tagged me with the 7-meme and 8-meme and I have been struggling with the ideas as to how to respond. I am usually a sucker for memes. I always do them. But there is nothing - weird or not - about myself that I have not already mentioned on this blog at one point or another (except things that I will never say, as I do not want to endanger my job, my marriage, or my good relationships with the family, in-laws, neighbors, friends and colleagues). So, instead, I will challenge you: have you done more memes than I did in your blogging career? List them all. Here are mine:

Learn more basic stuff about me from the 4 meme

Learn even more about me from The Eight Random Facts Meme

Learn even, even more about me from the Eight Random Facts Meme, Take 2

Learn even, even, even more about me in the Meme of Four (again)

Learn more silly factoids about me in The Dirty Thirty Meme

Learn even more silly factoids about me in Seven Times Seven Meme

Learn more about what I think as to who might qualify as a scientist rock-star in the Scientist Rock Star meme

Learn more about my incredible library from the My Oldest Book(s) Meme

Learn more about my taste in books from the Book meme

Learn even more about my taste in books from The Book Meme

Learn even, even more about my taste in books from Another Book Meme!

Oh, and also Science Books from my Childhood meme.

I've been traveling a lot lately, so I need to update the States Meme

Learn more about my work history in the Four Jobs Meme

Learn more about the quotes I like from the Random Quotes Meme

Learn more about my thoughts on blogging at the Blogging Blog Meme

Learn even more about my thoughts on blogging from the Why Do You Blog Meme

I did the Year In Review meme twice, in 2006 and in 2007.

This year I missed it, but last year I did the Hanukah meme

The Thinking Blogger is kind of a meme as well.

Learn more about my favorite animals from the Cool Animal Meme

Learn more about my favourite birds in the Beauty: Not Just Feather-Deep meme.

Learn more about my tastes in movies/music/books from the Pharyngula mutating genre meme

And there are even more movies in the Obscure-but-Good Movies meme.

Learn more about my blog-fu from the I rank number one on Google meme!!

Learn more about my taste in monster movies from the Happy HalloMeme!

I participated in the Memetree experiment.

This is an old one - the 23-5 meme

And this one is silly: Zero meme

And so is this one - Browser Meme

While the Academic Blog Survey is dead serious.

I think that's all. At least all I could find. Have fun. See if you can beat my record (well, just do them all plus one).

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