in Germany

If you can read German language and you are interested in science, you will be happy to know that our sister-site, is now live! It looks and feels similar to us, and they have lured in several of the best German-language bloggers. The collaboration between the two sites will continue (hey, wanna translate some of their best posts?) and Page 3.14 has all the details. Which language is next? We are taking over the world, once language at a time!


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Over at Page 3.14, they're marking the launch of the German-language site (for real, this time) with a poll about language skills: they want to know what languages other than English ScienceBlogs readers speak, and what you think they should target next. Current sentiment is running…
December 10 is a big day for ScienceBlogs. Today, Hubert Burda Media, one of the largest media companies in Europe, and our partner in Germany, launches a beta version of, a German-language website that brings the ScienceBlogs idea and spirit to Europe. I've had the pleasure these…
It's been a little over a week since ScienceBlogs launched a beta version of its first daughter site, in German. Today, we present what we hope will be the first of many informal updates on what's buzzing among the 13 German-language blogs at (Unless noted, links will take you to…
From June 29th through July 4th, 25 Nobel laureates and over 550 young scientists from all over the world are gathering in Lindau, Germany, at the 58th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. This year's meeting is dedicated to physics. Beatrice Lugger, managing editor of, is in Lindau and…

Any suggestions on learning German quickly?

By joltvolta (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

Oh great! Now I will have to spend twice the time on the internets reading the posts in English and the posts in German. Thanks a lot for keeping me from getting fresh air!!

>> Which language is next?
What about Spanish?

Say, Coturnix, now that Sb is going international, do you think you could convince the Seed webmaster to change the default charset for blog pages from iso-8859-1 to utf-8?

I can't tell you how many times I've been hosed trying to use "special characters" (e.g., normal, non-English characters). It makes ScienceBlogs look bad. (Oddly enough, the comment preview page is set to utf-8, but the main pages and permalink pages specify iso-8859-1.)

I think some of the individual blogs have been (partially?) fixed because their writers knew how to fix them.

Didn't Mark Chu-Caroll fix his?

Really, the encoding issue is most annoying.

By Peter Lund (not verified) on 11 Dec 2007 #permalink