My picks from ScienceDaily

Young Chimps Top Adult Humans In Numerical Memory:

Young chimpanzees have an "extraordinary" ability to remember numerals that is superior to that of human adults, researchers report.

Artificial Jellyfish, Explosives Sensor Among Projects Being Developed At Undersea Technology Center:

Artificial jellyfish, explosives sensors and seabed batteries are among the diverse research projects under way just nine months after the creation of a Center of Excellence in Undersea Technology in collaboration with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Rhode Island.

Heads Or Tails? Scientists Identify Gene That Regulates Polarity In Regenerating Flatworms:

When cut, a planarian flatworm can use a population of stem cells called neoblasts to regenerate new heads, new tails or even entire new organisms from a tiny fragment of its body. Mechanisms have been sought to explain this process of regeneration polarity for over 100 years, but until now, little was known about how planaria can regenerate heads and tails at their proper sites.

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Planarian worms can regenerate new body parts (well, I know they don't look like "parts" but you get what I mean). How do they do this? No one was quite sure until now. An MIT research team led by Peter Reddien has discovered a gene that apparently produces a product that facilitates this sort of…
Where's axolotl? (Credit: Jan-Peter Kasper/EPA/CORBIS) Often, biologists talk about model systems: organisms that are particularly useful for research. One such organism is the axotol, Ambystoma mexicanum, a cool, but weird salamander: Because of their large egg and embryo size, susceptibility…
Lots of new papers just got published in PLoS-Genetics and PLoS-Computational Biology. Here are a couple of papers that caught my eye: From Morphology to Neural Information: The Electric Sense of the Skate: The electric sense appears in a variety of animals, from the shark to the platypus, and it…
Researchers from Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute report that a young chimp can out-perform university students on a working memory task. (Cognitive psychologists use the term working memory to refer to the temporary storage and manipulation of information.) The researchers developed…