Open Science Proposal

Cameron Neylon is putting together a proposal for a UK research council to fund a network with the general theme of 'e-science enabling open science'. The network would fund meetings and travel with the specific aim of driving the open (notebook) science agenda forward. Cameron explains this in a couple of blog posts that I urge you to read:

E-science for open science - an EPSRC research network proposal, Follow on to network proposal and The research network proposal - update II.

The proposal would be to support 2-3 meetings over three years, including travel costs, and provide funds for exchange visits. What I would like from the community is an expression of interest, specifically the committment to write a letter of support saying you would like to be involved. It would be great to get these from tenured academics, early career academics, graduate students and PDRAs, publishers (NPG? PLoS?), library and repository people (UKOLN, Simile, others?) and anyone else who is relevant.

The current proposal is online as a Google Doc here.

His deadline is tomorrow early morning (UK time), so send a letter today!

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I'd love to write a letter in support, but I have no idea who to send it to. Contact info??


("early career academic")

By Titus Brown (not verified) on 26 Nov 2007 #permalink