Intellectual Blogger Award

Mo the Neurophilosopher awarded me with a coveted prize - the Intellectual Blogger Award, bestowed to....

...those bloggers who demonstrate an inclination to think on their own. This is what I think is needed in today's blogosphere. The term 'Intellectual' has often been derided in recent times, and this is one way to resurrect the true meaning: "An intellectual is one who tries to use his or her intellect to work, study, reflect, speculate on, or ask and answer questions with regard to a variety of different ideas."

So, although this may be for the old stuff and the way my blog used to be much more intellectual in the past, here I proudly display the logo:


If you go to the origin of the award, you will see the rule as well as links to all the bloggers awarded so far. This is meant to reward people who use their blog to write creative stuff, e.g., not just filter and aggregate. I am a little miffed by the "no group blogs" rule, as this means nobody can give this award to brilliant people like Melissa, or Amanda, or Mark H, or Darksyde, who are easily differentiated from their (often equally brilliant) co-bloggers.

If you go to the front page of and look down the left side-bar, you will see a list of 64 Intellectual Bloggers. They always make me think. Fortunately, and very early in the process, several of my Sciblings (Carl, Brian, Grrrrl, Shelley, Alex, Darren and Mo) already received the Award, as well as several other science bloggers outside of Sb who I like very much, so I am sure that it will quickly spread around the science blogosphere.

To this list, I will add the most uber-intellectual of the intellectual sciblings - Janet Stemwedel of Adventures in Ethics and Science. That is my first offical 'tag'.

Next, another blogger who often makes me think, then re-read a post for the second and third time - Chris Clarke of Creek Running North.

Then, the old and trusted source of intellectual joy, Lance Mannion.

The brilliant and original Lindsay Beyerstein of Majikthise.

And, to try to spread the award to the Nature Network bloggers, the Award goes to Henry Gee of The End Of The Pier Show.

You are tagged - go forth and give the Award to other intellectual bloggers!


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