SciVee update

As you may have heard, the public rollout of SciVee was inadvertent and premature - seen by everyone at the time there were only one or two movies up and not all the capabilities in place yet. It is nice to hear that more functionalities are about to go up later today:

In response to all your great feedback and requests, we are rolling out several new features starting this afternoon. We apologize because our site will be temporarily down for about a day. We appreciate your patience and hope you enjoy the new features on your next visit. The new features that you can expect to see include: virtual communities for social networking, the ability to upload science videos unrelated to peer-reviewed papers as well as videos related to closed access papers, the ability to embed videos, and improved video management.

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Wow that's so cool they are adding embedding functionality as well as opening it up to closed access papers! Those were my biggest criticisms and they responded very quickly!


It was always in the planning, but it was not implemented yet at the time the cat got out of the bag.

I don't know if this is going to be one of the changes, but the problem I had with it is that the videos I looked at were rather dull. They seemed to be talking heads giving a rundown of their paper. I think you can make more interesting use of video than that. (I'd rather watch my talking heads on TV, thanks!)