Science Foo Camp - Saturday afternoon

More pictures from scifoo at Googleplex under the fold - text will come later....

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Andrew Walkingshaw

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Beth Noveck

i-5380b025bb1e7acf2d87d9a13dc6102d-Chris Anderson.jpg
Chris Anderson

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Josh Knauer

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Stephana Patton (who is, btw, listed on Project Steve) and Kaitlin Thaney

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Stuart Pimm

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Vaughan Bell

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Vaughan, Eva Vertes and Eugenie Scott - invasion of polka dots!

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i-526ea5f8b21fee207300e78d6ee06def-Steve Steve and the $100 laptop 2.jpg
Professor Steve Steve checking out the $100 laptop (yes, that is beer he is having...).


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OK, it's 2:45am here, and I have a session at 9:30 in the morning, so, below the fold, just a quick scifoo photo dump.... Getting the fossils ready to transport from the hotel to Googleplex: On the bus: Gabrielle Lyon Paul Sereno Neil Stephenson Arriving on the campus and checking in:…
As I predicted, bloggers have waited a day or two before they wrote much of substance abour Scifoo. First, you don't want to miss out on any cool conversations by blogging instead. Second, the experience is so intense, one needs to cool down, process and digest everything. Before I write my own…
Breakfast time! Professor Steve Steve decided to look around for Googleplex for scifoo celebrities....(under the fold): Anna Kushnir Duncan Hull Eva Vertes and Moshe Pritsker Greg Bear Freeman Dyson James Randi Martha Stewart Peter Murray-Rust Sara Abdulla
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Hi Bora, great pictures, it was good to meet you. I was trying to find the scifoo facebook group you set up but it doesn't seem to be there yet? Cheers Duncan

Why Bora, I see you met Stuart out west! Wish I could have ScienceFoo'd with you. I'm headed to CA this week, but can't wait to see you and Prof Steve Steve upon your return to NC.

And of course, The Big Apple awaits..

By Sheril R. Kirs… (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink