My Picks From ScienceDaily

Why Starling Females Cheat:

While women may cheat on men for personal reasons, superb starling females appear to stray from their mates for the sake of their chicks, according to recent research. The study found that superb starling females (Lamprotornis superbus) cheat on their mates for a variety of reasons. Some females mate with subordinate males from within their social group when they need help to raise their chicks. (Superb starlings are cooperative breeders, meaning breeding pairs get help in raising chicks from other family group members.) This additional male then also acquires food and tends to the nestlings, which increases the chicks' survival rates.

New Medicines For Dogs And Cats May End Up Helping Humans:

The pharmaceutical industry is going to the dogs -- and the cats -- as people in the United States and other countries devote more income to keeping beloved pets healthy and comfortable, according to a recent article. U. S. pet owners alone spent $18.5 billion last year on veterinary care, medications, and other non-food supplies, a figure expected to grow by more than 6 percent annually.

Gut Check: Microbes Colonize Newborns' Digestive Tracts:

For more than 100 years, scientists have known that humans carry a rich ecosystem within their intestines. An astonishing number and variety of microbes, including as many as 400 species of bacteria, help humans digest food, mitigate disease, regulate fat storage, and even promote the formation of blood vessels. By applying sophisticated genetic analysis to samples of a year's worth baby poop, Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have now developed a detailed picture of how these bacteria come and go in the intestinal tract during a child's first year of life.

Studying Gene Expression Of Desert Fruit Flies:

Researchers at the University of Arkansas and University of Nevada-Las Vegas will study the genetics of fruit flies in desert habitats to determine how they developed the ability to survive under stressful conditions.

Human-like Altruism Shown In Chimpanzees:

Experimental evidence reveals that chimpanzees will help other unrelated humans and conspecifics without a reward, showing that they share crucial aspects of altruism with humans.

Early-morning Friday Classes May Prevent Students From Getting Sloppy On 'Thirsty Thursdays':

The high prevalence of problematic alcohol use on college campuses across the United States is well known. A new study has found that alcohol consumption on "thirsty Thursdays" is influenced by the presence and timing of Friday class schedules.

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tags:, superb starling, Spreo superbus, Lamprotornis superbus, birds, behavior, infidelity Superb starling, Lamprotornis (Spreo) superbus. These small birds are commonly found in open woodlands and savannahs throughout Northeast Africa. Image: Hogle Zoo, Utah. While it is…
tags:, evolution, social behavior, cooperative breeding, environment, global warming, climate change, African starlings, birds Superb starling, Lamprotornis superbus, a cooperative breeding savanna dweller that is abundant throughout northeast Africa. Image: Dustin R.…
tags: Superb Starling, Lamprotornis superbus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Superb Starling, Lamprotornis superbus (sometimes known as the "Spreo" starling because its scientific name was Spreo superbus once), endemic to thornbush and acacia country in Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan…
Dung Happens And Helps Scientists: Scoop On Poop And Climate Change: When scientists around the world think of dung, they think of Jim Mead. Mead, a researcher at Northern Arizona University, is one of the world's foremost authorities on animal dung, and he's got the poop to prove it. Neanderthals…

"The high prevalence of problematic alcohol use on college campuses across the United States is well known. A new study has found that alcohol consumption on "thirsty Thursdays" is influenced by the presence and timing of Friday class schedules."

Indeed, the weekend starts on Thursday nights at Rutgers. Everyone tries their hardest to make sure they have no Friday classes whatsoever, many students having something of a built-in three day weekend every week of the semester. I can't imagine them (or the bars they patronize) being too happy if everyone had Friday morning labs. What's even more interesting is that the "weekend starts on Thursday" habit continues through the summer after classes are out; I live a few houses down from one of the most popular bars in New Brunswick, and Sunday-Wednesday it's quiet, but on Thursday it's essentially the same as a Friday or Saturday night.

Why Starling Females Cheat:

Uh, because they can.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 26 Jun 2007 #permalink