I And The Bird #50

Welcome to the Fiftieth edition of I And The Bird. It's been a while since I last hosted an edition of this carnival (#19) and it has obviously grown a lot since then. With such diversity of posts, I decided it was impossible to categorize them, so they are presented here in the order I received them. So, to cut my unimportant intro short, let's dig in:

Grrrl of Living The Scientific Life reports on a conservation triumph story in The Return of the Rimatara Lory.

The Ridger of The Greenbelt took pictures of some goslings walking around looking like little feathered dinosaurs (post in two parts): Dino babies and Geese in the summer.

YC of the Bird Ecology Study Group wrote about an Adult koel feeding a juvenile. "This is a strange situation where the feeding should be done by the juvenile's foster parent, the crow."

Dr. Jeff Wells of the Boreal Bird Blog discovered Boreal birds In Bush's Backyard, i.e., on the grounds of the White House.

Going birding with Duncan (Ben Cruachan Blog) sounds like great fun: Dirty work at the crossroads.

Sometimes one sees the most birds on those days when one is "not seriously looking". This happened to Rob of Rob's Idaho Perspective the other day. The Pied-bellied Grebe with chicks was not the only bird he saw, either: Casual Birding, Great Results.

Bill Eley of Gulf Coast Bird Observatory tries to stay away from politics, but this one is important: Another aspect to the 'border fence': "The proposed fence will plow through some of the most unique and valuable habitat in North America."

Many have commented on the adoption of a chick by a pair of gay male flamingoes. Greg Laden goes the distance by explaining the Ultimate Causes, Proximate Mechanisms and putting the story in the context of evolutionary theory.

Dana of Backyard Birding reports sad news: Bird Expert Clark Moore dies.

John Trapp of Birds Etcetera searched the 'birdwatching' category on Amazon.com and discovered some... let's say 'unusual' books listed there:Strange But True.

Celeste Pinheiro aka Wyldthang (Dzonoqua's Whistle) heard the divine song of a Thrush: The Thrushes Arrive.

Bevson of Murmuring trees was lucky - she saw a Yellow-billed Loon: Surprise!

All's well that ends well. Robin and Roger of Dharma Bums had quite a crisis at hand in Of All The Nest Boxes...In All The World, but they managed to solve it with some knowledge and ingenuity.

Rick Wright of Aimophila Adventures took some more great bird pictures in Panama: Panama: Purty Pitchers.

Jochen of Bell Tower Birding finds musical associations when confronted with an odd-looking Yellow Warbler: Doin' the Britney.

WrenaissanceWoman of Wrenaissance Reflections has an easy answer to the question Why maintain a backyard wildlife habitat?

From Drew at the Nemesis Bird, sound advice for everyone, especially a rank amateur like me: 10 Ways to See more Birds.

Liza from The Egret's Nest is Ravin' about Ravens, one of my favourite birds. Great shots!

Lisa, the Bird Nerd, is still looking for the elusive Tri-Color, but one can learn a lot from a two-colored bird instead as well: On the hunt for Tri-colored Blackbirds.

Susannah A. of Wanderin' Weeta posted some great shots of a Great Blue Heron in Great Blue Heron, Gunderson Slough.

Amazing close-up shots of Red-Tailed Hawks by Jayne of Journey Through Grace in Beauty in the trees.

On Trevor's Birding blog, a pictorial view of the ontogeny of a male Rufous Whistler.

Patrick of The Hawk Owl's Nest wrote a Book Review: The Complete Birder by Jack Connor.

Roger and Liz (Words and Pictures) had a great birding trip while in the Scottish Highlands, listing more than a hundred species they spotted there: Highland Hundred (plus four).

Mike of 10000 birds, the founder and General Editor of this fine carnival, got out of the City to the Long Island Sound for a great day of birding: Turnstone Turn-out.

Scottcatskill of Lovely dark and deep may have just saved a hurt bird's life: Almost Squished Wood Thrush (and a fox).

"Early last week the gulls started arriving in Arctic Bay." That is how Clare (The House & other Arctic musings) starts his post: Nauja - The difference a day makes.

Paul Ollig of The Wandering Tattler finally got to see a Painted Redstart and has pictures to prove it: One Bird at a Time.

Who is eating the Brood 13 cicadas? Cuckoo For Cicada Puffs!. Where? Cicadas are on the Menu. Who wrote this? The Birdfreak Team of the Birdfreak Birding Blog.

Pamela Martin of Thomasburg Walks was walking around the field and made a big discovery, with interesting evolutionary implications: I'll sing what I want to sing. "The story of a bird singing the song of another species--in a song duel with a bird of yet another colour."

Nuthatch of Bootstrap Analysis tries to evaluate the effects of exceedingly long 'Easter Freeze' in the Eastern USA on migrants: Where I've been & who I've been seeing.

Rob Fergus (The Birdchaser) knows my weakness for clocks (if I had more walls and less books, I'd have more clocks), but I never really wanted the Audubon Bird Clock. I'd much rather have the clock Rob proposes instead.

A good time for birding during the night and the following morning at Rock Creek Park Bioblitz for John of A DC Birding Blog.

John Riutta is a Born Again Bird Watcher. Why should an amateur join a professional birders' society? Or read the ornithological scientific journals the way John does? Find out in High Societies.

James is birding in Tanzania and it is not easy to post (especially the pictures) from there, so it took a couple of days until this saw the light of day, but just in time for the inclusion in this week's edition of the carnival: Camel Safari to Lake Natron.

I hope you enjoyed the wealth, quality and diversity of posts in this week's edition of the carnival. The next edition will be hosted by Rob on The Birdchaser on June 14th, 2007 so send your entries at: birdchaser AT hotmail DOT com.

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What an amazing list. Well done. I can see a few long hours on the internet looking at all these wonderful posts. Keep them coming everyone.

I feel privileged to have my modest contribution included in this assembage of truly wonderful writings about birds. I appreciate your hard work, Bora.

Pied-bellied Grebe? Cool!

How come all's we've got here are those boring old Pied-billed Grebes?

Thanks for the compilation. There's a whole weekend of potential reading just waiting for me to take off work early...