
First, I'd like to thank Archy, Rev. BigDumbChimp, Melissa and PZ for the birthday wishes.

Also, a couple of my blog readers (who, I assume, wish to remain anonymous), hit my amazon wish list and bought me birthday presents which arrived with perfect timing - today. I am very happy I got this, this and this. Thank you so much!

I had a wonderful day today. After sleeping late, we went up to the Village green in Southern Village, feasted on the recently revamped menu of the Town Hall Grill, got coffee and gelato (as well as my favourite newspaper) at La Vita Dolce (which has really improved with the recent change of ownership), then walked up to Weaver Street Market and bought (and imbibed) some Eye of the Hawk. Finally we went home and had birthday cake, made at Southern Season (chocolate, chocolate, chocolate - just the way I like it). I talked to a lot of people on the phone. Tomorrow, I may go and visit my old friends at the horse show at Triton Stables if I manage to wake up early enough. Oh, and don't tell anyone who knows me, but I have a cell phone now. I'll try to learn how to use it tomorrow.

In other news, another great local blogger is leaving the area - Josh Steiger has left IBM and is going to the Bay Area to work for Google next week.

My ears are still a little iffy from the four flights (especially the last one). My NC colleagues may be appalled, but during the wait at the Dallas airport I tried Texas-style BBQ and I have to admit I liked it. That does not mean I don't like NC-style BBQ (both eastern and western version, tomato vs. vinegar) - it is just a completely different food-group. One can easily like both.

Now, for the people at PLoS who may be reading this, a little help, making it easier for you to find stuff - here are some of the posts we discussed on Thursday:

On the globalization of science this, this, this, this and this.

On the duck paper.

On the 2007 anthology and conference and the 2008 anthology and conference.

On my use of a blog in teaching, reviewing a paper and getting personal.

My old thoughts about science blogging (and some even older thoughts...) , my attempt to find all science blogs and about blog carnivals (and again) and how some carnivals are moving towards peer-review (and a response by Pedro Beltrao).

On re-writing papers on blogs after some time has passed: this, this, this, this, this and this.


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