But do they stop to ask for directions?

Sex And Prenatal Hormone Exposure Affect Cognitive Performance:

Yerkes researchers are using their findings to better understand sex differences in cognitive performance, which may lead to increased understanding of the difference in neuropsychological disorders men and women experience.

In one of the first research studies to assess sex differences in cognitive performance in nonhuman primates, researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center have found the tendency to use landmarks for navigation is typical only of females.

This finding, which corroborates findings in rodents and humans and is available in the online edition of Hormones and Behavior, suggests there is not just a difference in how well females and males solve spatial problems, but also in which types of cues they use to solve such problems. Researchers are applying this knowledge to gain a better understanding of how the brain develops and functions.


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Jokes aside, I am assuming that they may use celestial navigation combined with cognitive maps. I'll have to look at the actual paper once I find some time...and a map to find it.

Very interesting!

-Vishvas Vasuki

By Vishvas Vasuki (not verified) on 16 Apr 2007 #permalink