In most cases below comment threads are more interesting than the posts, but let's see when Anne Coulter will show up on TV or at a conservatives' meeting next time, so we can ask "Why?"
John Edwards
Elizabeth Edwards
Glenn Greenwald
David Neiwert
Mick Arran
John McKay
John Lynch
Neil the Ethical Werewolf
Ed Brayton
Ed Cone
The Malcontent
Pam Spaulding, and again here (more comments here and here)
Kagro X
(Yes, there are gazillions of Diaries on Daily Kos about this, some good)
Lindsay Beyerstein
Aldon Hynes
Mustang Bobby
Matt Stoller
Nancy Scola (and again)
...and unrelated, but totally awesome, on Brad Blog.
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I think I had something posted before all of them :)
OOops. Sorry. Must have missed it (still semi-sick so not reading as profusely as I usually do).
I think John Avarosis at AmericaBlog beat us all to it, but I saw your post before I read his. In any case, I know I was a latecomer to it.
For what it's worth, I have a post up about the right wing reaction linked to by Ed. Turned out it wasn't so much "condemnation" as self-congratulatory mutual masturbation among conservatives, and Amanda (as you'd expect) got dragged in on more than one occasion.
I too could not resist saying something about this desperate and distracting diva of dissimilation but I try to go a little farther than talking about her...which is just what she wants:
I am looking for things we can do to unplug these liars and provocateurs who stand in for Bush and Cheney and the fundamentalists.