Basic Terms and Concepts in Math and Science

I don't know how many of you check out the constantly growing list of links to posts that cover Basic Terms And Concepts in Science, but you should. Our Seed Overlords are cooperating and will soon set up a place where all those posts will be re-posted, commented upon, edited, etc. - a one-stop shopping for all basic stuff useful, for instance, in teaching at all levels from Kindergarden to Postdoc!

Until then, here is my unofficial list - not the one compiled by Wilkins - that also includes some of my own posts, as well as some of the other people's posts that I found useful in teaching myself.

If you are a science blogger and your area of expertise is not represented - write a post and let us know about it ("us" being pretty much everyone on, but John Wilkins is the #1 person to go to). If you are a scientist, but not a blogger, I'm sure many of us will be happy to let you publish a 'guest-post' on a missing topic, written in a way that can be understood by lay-people and used in the classroom.

Here is my 'enhanced' list, under the fold:

Philosophy, Sociology, Ethics, Rhetoric and History of Science, Science Practice, Education and Communication

Adventures in Ethics and Science: Arguments
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Falsifiable Claims
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Theory testing
Evolving Thoughts: Theory
Evolving Thoughts: The many faces of 'evolution'
Evolving Thoughts: Progress, Primitive and Advanced
Thus Spake Zuska: The Feminist Theory of Science
The World Fair: Epistemology
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: Biology as a second language: what is a vector?
A Blog Around the Clock: Biology and the Scientific Method
A Blog Around the Clock: Lab 2: Scientific Method
A Blog Around The Clock: The Clock Metaphor

Math, Statistics, Computing and Logic

Good Math, Bad Math: Normal Distribution
Good Math, Bad Math: Mean, Median and Mode
Good Math, Bad Math: Standard Deviation
Good Math, Bad Math: Margin of Error
Good Math, Bad Math: Correlation, Causation, and Random Variables
Good Math, Bad Math: Recursion
Good Math, Bad Math: Logic
Good Math, Bad Math: Syntax and Semantics
Good Math, Bad Math: Sets
Good Math, Bad Math: Turing Machine
Good Math, Bad Math: Real Numbers
Good Math, Bad Math: The Halting Problem
Good Math, Bad Math: Multidimensional Numbers
Good Math, Bad Math: Vectors, the Other Dimensional Number
Good Math, Bad Math: Calculus
Good Math, Bad Math: Limits
Good Math, Bad Math: Optimization
Good Math, Bad Math: Algorithm
Good Math, Bad Math: Discrete versus Continuous Math
EvolutionBlog: Infinity and Infinite Sums
EvolutionBlog: Numbers
Dr Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge: Metric System
Abstract Nonsense: Modular Arithmetic
Echidne of the Snakes: Samples
Echidne of the Snakes: Probability
Echidne of the Snakes: Sample Statistics
Echidne of the Snakes: Sampling Distributions
Echidne of the Snakes: Constructing a Confidence Interval for the Sample Proportion
Echidne of the Snakes: Statistics Primer

Physics, Cosmology and Astronomy

Uncertain Principles: Force
Uncertain Principles: Fields
Uncertain Principles: Energy


Lab Cat: pH
Adventures in Ethics and Science: Elements
Lab Cat: Strong and Weak Acids
Lab Cat: Acids and Bases
Lab Cat: What is Food Science?
Lab Cat: Food Chemistry

Earth, Marine and Atmospheric Science

Deep Sea News: The Definition of Deep Sea
Deep Sea News: 25 Things You Should Know About the Deep Sea

Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Anatomy and Physiology

A Blog Around the Clock: Cell Structure
A Blog Around the Clock: Protein Synthesis: Transcription and Translation
A Blog Around the Clock: Cell-Cell Interactions
Migrations: Cell migration
A Blog Around the Clock: Cell Division
The Science Creative Quarterly: Cell Division - Cell Cycle
The Science Creative Quarterly: DNA Replication
A Blog Around the Clock: From Two Cells To Many: Cell Differentiation and Embryonic Development
Pharyngula: Gastrulation
Pharyngula: Gastrulation, invertebrate style
A Blog Around the Clock: From Genes To Traits: How Genotype Affects Phenotype
A Blog Around the Clock: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
A Blog Around the Clock: Physiology: Regulation and Control
A Blog Around the Clock: Physiology: Coordinated Response
Pharyngula: Gene
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: Gene
Greg Laden: Gene
The Evolution List: New Definitions of a Gene
Sandwalk: Gene
Sandwalk: Not a Gene
Sandwalk: The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Sandwalk: Genetic Code
Pharyngula: How the Genome Works, version 1
Pharyngula: How the Genome Works, version 2
Pharyngula: A brief overview of Hox genes
Evolgen: Mutation
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: What are Hypothetical and Putative Proteins?
Sandwalk: How Proteins Fold
Sandwalk: Heat Shock and Molecular Chaperones
Sandwalk: Collagen


Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part I
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part II
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part III, Reads and Chromats
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part IV, How many reads does it take?
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part V: checking out the library
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part VI: Chimeras are not just funny-looking animals
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: How do you sequence a genome? Part VII: Want to win $10 million dollars?


Aetiology: Introduction to Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Aetiology: Normal Flora
A Blog Around The Clock: Seasonal Affective Disorder - The Basics
The Corpus Callosum: Selection of Antidepressants, pt. 1
The Corpus Callosum: Selection of Antidepressants, part 2
The Corpus Callosum: Selection of Antidepressants, part 3
The Corpus Callosum: Selection of Antidepressants, part 4
Retrospectacle: Prions
Discovering Biology in a Digital World: Determining the Cause of Disease (Koch's Postulates)

Animal Behavior, Ecology, Palaeontology, Systematics and Evolution

A Blog Around the Clock: From Genes To Species: A Primer on Evolution
A Blog Around the Clock: What Creatures Do: Animal Behavior
Voltage Gate: What Is Ecology?
A Blog Around the Clock: Organisms In Time and Space: Ecology
Voltage Gate: Biomes I
Voltage Gate: Biomes II: Tropical Rain Forest
Voltage Gate: Biomes III: Tropical Dry Forest
Voltage Gate: Biomes IV: Tropical Savannah
A Blog Around the Clock: Origin of Biological Diversity
A Blog Around the Clock: Evolution of Biological Diversity
A Blog Around the Clock: Current Biological Diversity
Sandwalk: Evolution
John Wilkins: Macroevolution
Evolving Thoughts: Species
Evolving Thoughts: Clade
Evolving Thoughts: Fitness
The Questionable Authority: Measuring Fitness
Gene Expression: 8th Grade Math (Hardy Weinberg, Genetic Variance, Molecules and Phylogenies, Kin)
Gene Expression: Linkage Disequilibrium
Behavioral Ecology Blog: Anisogamy
Greg Laden: The Three Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Natural Selection
Greg Laden: The Modes of Natural Selection
Greg Laden: Human Evolution series
The Voltage Gate: Why Spiders aren't Insects, part I, Anatomy and Physiology
The Voltage Gate: Why Spiders aren't Insects, part II, A Primer on Cladistics
The Voltage Gate: Why Spiders aren't Insects, part III, The Evolutionary Advantages of Mass Extinction
The Voltage Gate: Why Spiders aren't Insects, part IV, Adventures in Molecular Homology
The Voltage Gate: Why Spiders aren't Insects, part V, Hox Genes and the Evolutionary Ties that Bind
Gene Expression: Linkage Disequilibrium
Mike the Mad Biologst: Artificial and Natural Selection
Gene Expression: Sexual Selection

Neuroscience, Human Behavior and Psychology

Retrospectacle: Hearing
Balancing Life: How do we smell?

Archaeology and Anthropology

Hot Cup of Joe: Pottery in Archeology


A Blog Around The Clock: Biological Clock
A Blog Around The Clock: What Is Chronobiology?
A Blog Around The Clock: Basic Concepts and Terms of Chronobiology
A Blog Around The Clock: Empirical Generalizations about Circadian Rhythms
A Blog Around The Clock: Clock Evolution
A Blog Around The Clock: Clock Evolution, take 2
A Blog Around The Clock: Darwin On Time
A Blog Around The Clock: (Non) Adaptive Function of Sleep
A Blog Around The Clock: On Methodology
A Blog Around The Clock: Clock Genetics - A Short History
A Blog Around The Clock: Circadian Organization
A Blog Around The Clock: Circadian Clocks in Microorganisms
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Bacteria I: Synechococcus elongatus
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Bacteria II: Adaptive Function of Clocks in Cyanobacteria
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Bacteria III: Evolution of Clocks in Cyanobacteria
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Bacteria IV: Clocks in other bacteria
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Bacteria V: How about E.coli?
A Blog Around The Clock: Biological Clocks in Protista
A Blog Around The Clock: Do sponges have circadian clocks?
A Blog Around The Clock: Daily Rhythms in Cnidaria
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Mammals
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in Non-mammalian vertebrates
A Blog Around The Clock: Clocks in the Japanese Quail
A Blog Around The Clock: To Entrain Or Not To Entrain, That Is The Question
A Blog Around The Clock: Entrainment
A Blog Around The Clock: Phase-Shifting Effects Of Light
A Blog Around The Clock: Constructing the Phase Response Curve
A Blog Around The Clock: Using The Phase Response Curve
A Blog Around The Clock: Interpreting The Phase Response Curve
A Blog Around The Clock: Seasonality
A Blog Around The Clock: Photoperiodism - Models and Experimental Approaches
A Blog Around The Clock: How Global Warming Disrupts Biological Communities - a Chronobiological Perspective
A Blog Around The Clock: Clock Tutorials


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SPECIAL NOTE:This page and its subordinate pages will no longer be updated. See the new page at my new blog for the live version, and change all your subscriptions. Thank you. This is a list of the Basic Concepts posts being put up by Science Bloggers and others. It will be updated and put to the…
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How can you be Jewish AND an atheist?

Hello!!! Mutually exclusive!!!

By Bob Dobalina (not verified) on 05 Feb 2007 #permalink

Hello? How can you be French and an atheist? Or Patagonian and Catholic? Or Chinese and Baptist? The same logic. And what on Earth does that have to do with Basic Concept in Science? I should have deleted that comment for being "off topic".