Tweety in Chapel Hill - let's play Hardball!

As a part of the Hardball College Tour, Tweety will be in Chapel Hill on Tuesday at the Memorial Hall, chatting for an hour with John Edwards. Tickets are free if you can come, or just watch on Tuesday night.

Though likelihood is small, it is not totally impossible Edwards may use this opportunity to announce his Presidential run.

But, what does it mean to announce? This is such a drawn-out ceremony. First you go on TV and, when asked, respond it is too early to even think about it. Later, you go on TV and say you have not ruled it out. Then, you go on TV and say that you have not made the decision yet. Then, you say that you are thinking about it. Later, you go on TV and say that you are considering forming an exploratory committee. Then you announce that you have formed an exploratory committee. Then you announce who will run your campaign. Then you reveal the address of your HQ. Then you go on TV on a less-serious show (like Edwards did on Daily Show in 2003) to announce the run. Then you repeat that on several other, more serious shows. Then you organize a meeting in your hometown where you give a Big Announcement Speech.

So, at which stage of the process is Edwards right now? I've been watching every night that workers are busily readying the office space above Town Hall Grill in Southern Village - the spot where the HQ will supposedly be. So, the announcement cannot be that far in the future.

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