World Science

* Cleansing nuclear fallout from the body:
A U.S. government scientist envisions purging the body of fallout with a compound from crab shells.

* Gay men likelier to gamble addictively, study suggests:
A small study may fuel a charged debate over why homosexuals, as growing evidence suggests, suffer addictions unusually often.

* Saturn moon found to resemble Earth at life's birth:
Hazy skies on early Earth, similar to those on Saturn's moon Titan, could have provided the ingredients for life, chemists say.

* Mystery of sudden infant deaths may be solved:
"Sudden infant death syndrome" results from abnormalities in the brain stem, a primitive brain region, a study suggests.

* Testosterone levels dropping, research finds:
Scientists cited a "substantial," unexplained drop in American men's testosterone levels in the past two decades.

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In case you missed them, here are my picks from's Psychology and Neuroscience posts from the past week. Mice navigate a virtual-reality maze. Go for the amazingly cute video. Stay for the science! Brain imaging for lie-detection doesn't live up to the hype. Remember all those…

"Saturn moon found to resemble Earth at life's birth"

Don't let the Velikovskians hear. There is a whole school of Velkovsky followers who think the Earth was once a moon of Saturn. Then it got thrown into it's current orbit around the Sun by a near-collision with Jupiter, which also increased our gravity, killed most of the dinosaurs (the new gravity squished them), and caused the Biblical flood. The last thing they need is encouragement.

I know. Perhaps they'll come out of the woodwork to respond to this news and provide us with fresh fodder for blog-fisking.