Blogrolling: C

Here are some blogs with titles that start with the letter C. Am I missing a good one? Yours? Let me know in the comments.

Also check (now updated) blogs that start with:

Canadian Cynic
The Cape Fear Mercury
Captivated by Mandie
Carbon-based Curiosities
Caridina japonica - breeding Vol.1
Carolina Blog Consultants
Carnival of Bad History
Carnival of the Balkans
Carnival Of Education
Carnival Of The Godless
Carnival of the Green
Carnival of the Liberals
The Carpetbagger Report
Carrboro Commons
Cat Daddy and Dr. Squeeky
Caveat Lector
Centauri Dreams
Change Of Shift
Changing Places
Chaotic Utopia (old)
Chaotic Utopia (new)
Charm &c.
The Cheerful Oncologist (old)
The Cheerful Oncologist (new)
Chemical Forums blog
Chewie World Order
Christina's LIS Rant
Circadiana (archives)
Circus of the Spineless
City Bees
City Hippy (archives)
Clever Beyond Measure
Climate Change Action
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler
Cocktail Party Physics
Cognitive Daily
Cognitive Science
CogSci Librarian
Colin McEnroe | To Wit
Collecting my Thoughts
Collective Sigh
Collision detection
Colonel Corn's Camera
Complex Medium
Computational Complexity
Computational Neuroscience (and Programming) Blog
Computing Research Policy Blog
Concerned Citizen/Citizen Will
Confessions of a Community College Dean
Confessions of a Science Librarian
Confined Space
Connect Learning
Connecticut Windows On The Natural World
Conover on media
Concealed Position
Contrary Brin
Cornell Mushroom Blog
Corpus Callosum (old)
Corpus Callosum (new)
Corsair the Rational Pirate
Cosmic Variance
The Countess
The Crazy hippie Cat Lady
Creek Running North
Crooked Timber
Crooks and Liars
Crush All Boxes (jonnybutter archives)
CryptoZoo News at Cryptomundo
Culture Dish (Rebecca Skloot)
The Cunning Realist
Curious Cat
The Curious Wavefunction
Cyberspace Rendezvous


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