They are all nuts!

Great catch by Radical Russ,Thursday night on Scarborough:

O'DONNELL: Is there anyone on this panel who believes that every Jew on earth is going to burn in hell forever if they do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior? Do any of us believe that?

HOLT: But you're attacking Christians. You don't have a reason to attack Christians!

O'DONNELL: Do you believe that? Do you believe that? Because if you do, you're a nut!

HOLT: And you've used the word "nut" probably a hundred times in the last seven-and-a-half minutes, and I don't know why.

SCARBOROUGH: And I will just say that I go to church with people that believe that you need to be a Christian and you need to have faith in Jesus Christ to enter the kingdom of heaven. It's in the Bible. Maybe that's a radical philosophy for you, Lawrence, but I certainly...

O'DONNELL: No, I think it's insane, Joe. I don't think it's radical. I think to say that most of the people on the face of the earth will burn in hell forever is insane.

Read the whole transcript. Have you ever heard before someone calling the fundies "nuts" on air, repeatedly?


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