SiBlings, Part II

Here is the second part of the introduction to SEED sciencebloggers, the next eleven (check out the first part if you have missed it yesterday). I hope you like them and appreciate the breadth and depth of writing here (so, yes, if you have a blog, and you are registered with Technorati - which if you have a blog you should be - please make, as well as any or all individual blogs here that you may like, one of your favourites)

Have you checked Digital Biology Fridays on Discovering Biology in a Digital World yet? Sandra Porter shows you how YOU can do molecular biology at home, or in schools, or in a less-than-million-dollar laboratory at your college, e.g, Sequencing the campus at the Johns Hopkins University and Trade publications in biology teaching and more. Intrigued yet?

If you enjoy frequent, forceful and eloquent destruction of political and religious enemies of science, rationality and reason, you are already reading Ed Brayton and Dispatches from the Culture Wars. Religious Right Exploits Goodridge Breakup, Creech on the NC Cohabitation Law and Judge Dismisses Phone Records Lawsuit are just a small subset of yesterday's posts! Ed and I are probably the most frequent posters of all SB bloggers. My average is around 7.5 posts per day. Ed is somewhere there as well.

Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge is undescribable. It does not allow to be shoehorned into any "channel" here. The four contributors have such a wide range of interests. One common thing to all of them - they are all wonderful writers. You will never be dissapointed, no mater what they write about. Here is a little politics by Jim, a little medicine by Doc Bushwell and a little trouble with a Creationist in academia by Kevin, just to get you started. And if you like my Friday Weird Sex Blogging, you should certainly check out the (botanical-only) Friday Flower Porn.

Steinn Sigurðsson of Dynamics of Cats is an astrophysicist. What if Cows Don't Fart in Space?, he asked recently. Don't you want to know? And how about a guy who published fifty papers in Nature! Nature and Science like some topics better than others, so some of us don't even bother submitting - why go through the whole big hassle when you can publish in decent journals in six months? Who cares, unless you are excited about joining a Department in which people care about such things instead of your quality?

Effect Measure is the first place to go (anywhere on the Internets, not just at SB) if you are interested in Bird Flu, as well as general public health preparedness issues. But occasionally, there is some other stuff, e.g, on other cool diseases or the Sunday Freethinker Sermonette. Revere is also one of the few recognized online experts on George Lakoff - you can read his 15-post series on this topic by starting with the first post, back on his old blog.

Genetics, genomics and evolution, all put together on Evolgen. Unfortunately, Friday Double Entendre has been discountinued, but there is serious stuff there as well - how about a whole series of excellent posts on molecular evolution?

Jason Rosenhouse does chess and plays math, occasionaly even on his Evolutionblog. But most often, he is the Destroyer Of Creationists! And sometimes he comes up with something really, really cool, like this post from yesterday - Dickens on Evolution.

John Wilkins is a philosopher of biology, writing at Evolving Thoughts. So, do you want to know what sckientific explantaion is, or what design is? Ask the expert. Especially if you think that defining a species is easy.

The Examining Room of Dr.Charles is a blog by Dr.Aidan Charles, a family doctor. If you read posts like Are You Hearing the Whispers? and Having, You Know, That Talk, you'll probably want to buy his blook in which such posts are collected. Or you may choose something more scientific, like New Sunscreen Might Actually Prevent Something.

Matt Nisbett of Framing Science looks at the way media reports on scientific topics, including what kind of language they use. He likes to use unbelievably long titles for his posts, e.g., SLIGHT MAJORITY OF PUBLIC DISAPPROVES OF BUSH STEM CELL VETO: 58% Disapproval Parallels Level of Support for ESC Research In Independent Polls; Reaction to Veto in 2006 Contrasts with Majority Support for 2001 Bush Compromise Announcement or JON STEWART ON THE BUSH STEM CELL POLICY: Daily Show Compares Administration's Position on Embryo Life to Civilian Lives in Iraq; Study Shows Negative Effects for Regular Daily Show Viewing...But This Clip is Damn Funny.

Jonah Lehrer is a SEED writer and Frontal Cortex is his new experiment with blogging. Some recent stuff: Are Mirror Neurons Too Cool?, Why do scientists have to work so hard? and Car Buyers Are Dumb...

Check out the previous eleven and come back tomorrow for the next eleven....


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