Life Is...

... a self-reproducing Turing Machine which can do work.

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Did life start from simple chemical reactions? What is the nature of Life? I was reading about these questions in an excellent summary of the current ideas at Scientific Curiosity blog. I bought a book many years ago and still haven't managed to finish it: Investigations by Kauffman. Nevertheless…
In comments to [my recent post about Gilder's article][gilder], a couple of readers asked me to take a look at a [DI promoted][dipromote] paper by Albert Voie, called [Biological function and the genetic code are interdependent][voie]. This paper was actually peer reviewed and accepted by a journal…
There isn't all that much news for a real obsessive update, so I'll lump in a few writing-related items of possible interest to people who read books other than mine. A real obsessive update item: BradDeLong doubts my book can help his dog. How to Teach Physics to Your Dog gets four out of five…
I'm currently away on a family vacation, and as soon as vacation is over, I'm off on a business trip for a week. And along the way, I've got some deadlines for my book. So to fill in, I'm recycling some old posts. I decided that it's been entirely too long since there was any pathological…