Knock. Knock.
Is this thing still working?
Anyone there?
Ok, it is end of semester and I am out of excuses.
Time to clear out some backlog of stuff to read.
- Am I Wrong? - Bruce Alberts, Editor in Chief of Science, worries about the future.
He is rarely wrong. - Time Crystals - interesting article from the increasingly pro-active Simons Foundation on Frank Wilczek's provocative idea on multi-stable ground state configurations that may cycle through different but energetically equivalent configurations. Berkeley group is trying an experimental test of the concept. Won't be definitive, but may be suggestive.
- "Shame versus guilt in community responses to wrongdoing." - the always insightful Janet Stemwedel
- Ethics and Evil - interesting musings from the AstroWright.
- Opinions, Morals and What Science Could but Shouldn’t Tell Us - the always insightful Sabine Hossenfelder's take.
With added references to Sean and Lubos, in agreement. - Proximate and Ultimate Causes for Publication... - B. again.
- Eating your Sleeplessness - why lack of sleep is bad for you in so many ways.
"Sleep is for the Weak!" - Stephen Wolfram Uncovers Life on Facebook
In my experience the primary evolution in life, a la fb, is that at some point that very energetic girl from your elementary school finds you for the 10N reunion, and all her friends then find you.
It is a curiously universal and essential process.
Get your α analytics here - Oldest European Medieval Cookbook Found! - on facebook, natch.
- A Map of the US generated from dollar bill movements. - Fascinating.
What it really proves is that the velocity of money goes to zero right at State College, PA.
I think this is a corollary of the No Hair Theorem... - State College Ranks as Third Top College Town after Ithaca NY and Ames IA
As Lubos would note, you are free to reject the metric used... - Math Teacher Explains Math Anxiety
- Understanding Student Weakness
- Turn Your Mobile Into a Scientific Tricorder with These Real-Life Apps - The Evolution of the iPhone
Don't worry, semester is over, there will be more...
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