My quasi-periodic dump of interestingee thingees off the intertoobz
- "The Most Precise Extra-Galactic Black-Hole Mass Measurement" A. Gould (ApJ submitted) aka the most talked about paper in astronomy this week...
- How to kill your audience - apparently fake Wolverine claws are essential...
- Time to Rethink Cosmic Inflation? - and you thought CDM vs MOND was getting out of control ;-)
- Will Climate Change Ever Have Its Sandy Hook Moment: Why, Yes, Yes It Will.
Jolly Unpleasant It Will Be Too. - Why don't more girls study physics
- Ten Lessons I wish I had been Taught: 1,2,3,4,6,8,9
- There's More to Mathematics than Rigour and Proofs
- Motivations, Study Habits are Key to Math Ability - Checking. Yup, Still No Royal Road...
- How to Manage your GPA - a classic I promised careful readers to relink
- We Will Rock You!
- Genetic Study of House Dust Mites Demonstrates Reversible Evolution - Dollo's Law disproved.
This is actually very important in a subtle way, even if it is not surprising. - How a cat boosts your creativity - and then they had to go tell all the dog people
- 3Doodler
- Temporary tattoos could make electronic telepathy and telekinesis possible
- World's worst Chavez Obit - more Reporters Behaving Badly
- Academic Assholes...
I am left to ponder: why does one of the open tabs on my browser have the single search word "Justin"...
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More like this
we are currently at a solar minimum, and the next cycle is starting,
but the numbers are down and the
Sun is unusually quiet
Like so:
yup, still no spots
Ok, should we be worried?
Is this the start of a new Maunder Minimum?
Will the Thames freeze?
Will there be knee deep snow in New England…
Kepler 10-b, announced at the Annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society today, has a mass of 4.6 Earth masses and a radius of 1.4 Earth radii. Density of 8.8
Kepler 10b: Exoplanet Catalog
Kepler Mission website - 700 more to go.
Kepler 10b - Mission catalog data
20 hour orbital period…
Fermi Gamma-ray Telescope has results.
We hear about them.
why, yes, that really was 47 Tuc
"Discovery of γ-ray sources from the globular cluster 47 Tuc" or something similar, in preparation, at a glossy journal near you soon
in the mean time, browse the LAT bright source catalog (for high…
Time always marches forward, of course, but does evolution?
It's certainly easy to impose a march of progress on the course of evolution. That's why the sequence of apes transforming into humans as they march from left to right is so universal. Of course, there are also pictures in which Homo…
Is it a coincidence that you start with a link to the "Most Precise" article and end with "Academic Assholes"?
I'm so taking the 5th on that one.
Is there some reason the Grauniad article link does not work?
yup, malformed relative path
should be fixed now