dib, dib, dib, ii

The Order Of The Science Scouts Of Exemplary Repute And Above Average Physique has new mo' better badges

since I am a long standing member of ootssoeraaap, I need to update:

The “quantum mechanics… I soooo get it” badge.

I get it all right... ok, some might argue, but you gotta call it as you see it

The The “I somehow convinced someone to part with a lot of money for science” badge (LEVEL I).

I need to get to LEVEL III here

The The The “science deprives me of my bed” badge (LEVEL I).

define "requires"...




the fact that I didn't want to admit to this one clinched it

The The

yes, I am LEVEL III and II, but not I


"astrobiology" natch

hm, I wonder if they iron on this time

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