'cause y'know linkin' is good
emptywheel at firedoglake wants to boycott JP Morgan/Chase/WaMu
- interesting story, JPM is allegedly blocking Chrysler being eaten by Fiat because if Chrysler goes bankrupt JPM both gets something back on their loans, and probably triggers CDS on Chrysler bonds, and so profits
JPM also has the contract for unemployment benefit debit cards in Michigan - win-win, eh?
Unqualified Offerings provides guidance and direction for sciblingers
- maybe Chad will give me some of his excess
New Scientist has blogs at Short, Sharp Science - snazzy
Which physicist are you asks the Quantum Pontiff (hey, I thought I already answered that...)
Chad and Ethan try to explain Dark Matter.
Hmm... "could do better"
Dood, I totally got to try this!
world economy, now and then
yes, yes, yes!
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