what sort of theorist are you?


we set D equal to the measured value from A.N. Experimenter et al (2009)

we set D = 8π3/2/3 (Stokes 1854)

we set D = 8π3/2(1 + ε)/3, where ε = 4.2*10-7 is the Me-Stokes parameter (Me 1973), correcting for second order effects.

do you mean a total derivative or a partial derivative?

well, the "D"s cancel, so we can approximate it as just δy/δx ~ y/x...

if you choose D=2 we can get an exact solution

consider the qualitative behaviour of the solution as we vary the number of dimensions

you mean ℘?
(curse html 4.0 and its lack of proper symbols...)



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