iPod iChing - supplemental Hubble

It is snowing, and this time I am not pointing the wrong way on the I-271(N) staring at the headlights of 20,000 tired and grumpy Clevelanders who are late heading home (but who fortunately do know how to drive in snow, a trait I appear to have lost...).

So, Oh Mighty iPod: Hubble supplemental observing proposals - anything useful going to come out of it? Oh, and any hints on the near term economic situation would also be appreciated.

Whoosh goes the randomizer.

  • The Covering: Krummi Krunkar Úti - trad.
  • The Crossing: Let It Snow - Dean Martin
  • The Crown: Between the Wars - Billy Bragg
  • The Root: Radio, Radio - Elvis Costello
  • The Past: This Charming Man - Smiths
  • The Future: Concerto #5 in D major, Allegro - Brandenburg Concertos
  • The Questioner: The Sow Took The Measles - Burl Ives
  • The House: Fear Is A Man's Best Friend - Billy Bragg
  • The Inside: The Donut Song - Burl Ives
  • The Outcome: The Modern Things - Björk

Oh my.
Good start.

The Covering is the song of the Raven, outside in the snow, calling for his fellow scavengers to come pick over a juicy carcass. Ah, songs of my childhood.

Not too keen on The Questioner...

Is The House our answer on the economy?

The Inside is very chirpy though.

The Outcome is curious...

As always, the Key as explained by Sean


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Let It Snow - Dean Martin

It's too early for the Christmas tunes. As everyone (or at least those who are at least my age) knows, Santa arrives at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which would be next week, and only then does the Christmas season officially start.

Yes, I know that these days merchants are trying to push Christmas on us as soon as Halloween is past, tradition be damned. Which is why I particularly try to avoid the mall in November and December--I'm just not ready for it. The fact that I go to the AGU meeting every year doesn't help.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 21 Nov 2008 #permalink

"Saddle or bridle or any such thing..." If you own any livestock I hope they are fully vaccinated.

Just curious, why call it iPod I Ching when you aren't creating hexagrams? Perhaps this oracle should be dubbed the Celtic iCross.

@ E. Lund: AGU is my week-long vacation from the "Can I have..." chorus.

Question is, is the iPod referring to the Hubble, or the Economy?

As for the iPod iChing - clearly it is best to use a zodiacal structure to reveal the tarot of the iPod hexagrams...

it is all explained in a blog post somewhere.