An Astronomy Ranking

Here is an astronomy ranking for the US

CA 46
MD 20
AZ 14
MA 11
NY 7
PA 7
TX 6
WA 6
DC 5
HI 5
MI 5
NJ 5
FL 4
TN 4
IL 3
OH 3
CO 2
GA 2
IN 2
MN 2
NM 2
VA 2
CT 1
MO 1
NV 1
SC 1
WI 1

0 for everyone else

success rates, excluding the zeros, were from 50% for GA to less than 10% for CO.

Anyone who tried 8 or more got some.
About a quarter goes to CA, about twice the mean per capita.


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MD seems really overrepresented.

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink

HST time it is then, which would explain MD. I was assuming it was something newly released (NSF season is coming due, in extragalactic at least). Did you find tasty data somewhere?

Yup, Hubble awards, cycle 16 - in anticipation of the next round.
I was catching up on my backlog of glossy bits of paper while stuck in a tin can hurtling at mach 0.9 10 km up

I have an odd urge to yell "we're number 1, we're number 1"

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink