Happy Pasta

Happy Holidays!
May his Noodly Appendages tickle you on this most festive of days.

Pagans often fail to understand the traditions of Pastafarianism.

As with all the other major faiths, the CoFSM has its traditions, its holy days.
Some have, admittedly, been compromised from their pure origin to accommodate the realities of modern life, and scholars make persuasive arguments that the early church parents co-opted the traditions, and pagan rituals of other faiths.

We are now in the holiest of all the Pasta days, the legendary Spaghetti Harvest.
As the docmentary above shows, this is an ancient tradition.
It is now often celebrated on April 1st, although in days past the holiday was set by a lunar calendar and could fall any time in the month after the equinox, on the first free day after the full moon, which our ancestors venerated as an aspect of FSM.

The essence of the FSM is the Spaghetti, and we celebrate the harvest and thank FSM for the bounty. The children seek hidden, symbolic meatballs, and eat balls of chocolate.

A more spirited holiday comes with the autumn harvest, it is known by many names in different cultures, and, necessarily, the date moves with the growing season in different climes. In Spain it is
La Tomatina
(see also here).
The festival celebrates the Sauce, and the Vegetables that go in it (please, no Heresy of the Fruit, the Tomato is a Vegetable).
The holiday is traditionally wild and raucous, with a dark side, after all the Vegetables will be Chopped, Cooked, Preserved and Pureed, to complete the Wholy Trinity of the Spaghetti, Sauce and Meatballs.

The winter holy days are, really, theologically the least of them, but in the modern world they have become the joyful time for children to celebrate.
And, who can fault us, there is nothing like bringing in the tree, and decorate it with gayly coloured symbolic meatballs, the lights of his Terrible Visage, and the Tinsel.
Ah, the Tinsel, most people think it is symbolic of the Spaghetti, the Noodly Appendages themselves. but in reality it is a Heretical Defiant Symbol of the Heresy of the Cheese.
Most people of course do not understand, or care about the heresies or the history, but academics still debate endlessly which came first, the Pasta or the Cheese?
What about the Cosmic Cow? History has of course settled this, but the residual uncertainty remains - Whence Came the Meatballs, and Did FSM Have Cheese?

But, those are issues only stuffy academics still debate. The children care not for such, they just want to sing the old songs, like On top of spaghetti...

In the meantime, we note Pirates continue to increase in number...


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